Google Play Music Desktop Player (GPMDP)

Google Play Music Desktop Player (GPMDP)

Can we add support for this to play a certain track on entering a room or returning home...

I suspect the novelty of such an automation would wear off REALLY fast.


We could have it play playlists for individuals in the family.
Use motions or action sensors to turn it on playlists when you enter the shower or click a button...

Seeing a bit of use cases.

Media play source for HA

Also on a side note, is there any Spotify API integrations or is that all closed source?

No, there's definitely a public API. A simple web search will give you the page. However, what would you want Hubitat to do with that? Hubitat is a home automation platform. Not a media platform.

I'd love to to use this to have one tap access to play my Google Play Music "I'm feeling lucky" playlist in a room or speaker group, not based on a motion sensor (which could make you insane!)

Did anyone make any progress porting the GPM controls over to Hubitat?

side note

@ryan780 I think the beauty of Hubitat is is can be whatever you want it to be, this isn't the first time I've see you write "Hubitat isn't a..." it might not be for you, but it might for someone else.

The Google Play Music service is shutting down soon :unamused:

... so we’ll provide plenty of notice ahead of users no longer having access to Google Play Music later this year.
YouTube Music is making it simple to transfer over your Google Play Music library - YouTube Blog

Its likely there will be a similar way of accessing data from YouTube Music

I would like this for when I turn on a Google Playlist - baby white noise for when I put the kids to bed. Now we have to say Hey Google, turn on Jacobs playlist which is just the white noise song repeated over and over. Any ideas on how to make this work (we use a Lenovo Display).

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