Google home not syncing all the devices from HE

Hi folks,

I am new to HE and I am struggling a bit with GH-HE sync. I have 4 LED devices on gledopto CCTT ZigBee controller GL-C-006P. All are using the same controller but only 1 of the 4 devices could not be synced into GH for some reason. Tried removing, re-syncing, restarting, updating firmware etc. also making sure the device is available to be synced to GH by updating the device list in HE but every time I have done a reconnect with HE account, GH won't pick up the 4th device. So I seems to be stuck with 3 devices only.

I have changed out the controller with another spare which I have but I still couldn't get them to sync the 4th device. There seems to be some kind of "limit" on the number of devices? Am I missing on something?

Any help will be much appreciated.


I just had a heck of a 4 days trying to get 7 GH-Nests to show in HE (and HA). I'd get 4 of 7, 6 of 7 that would link, or all 7 linked but 2 or 3 links that took didn't report data.

In the end, I adjusted the Asus-Mesh router's wireless to give a stronger 2.4ghz signal (3 of the 4 would latch onto the 5ghz band at some point) , and had deleted what I determined to be the non-working matter links from each Nest in GH, and was able to get the pairings to finally take. One clue was monitoring the wireless devices listed in the router - while all Nests were operating and responsive, not all 7 Nests were showing in the router's listing of devices. And at that, what did/didn't show would vary over time. At some point I did remove/reinstall two of the Nests, but only had partial success. Homina, homina, homina!

I had the time to put into it (with time off for guests on Xmas eve), but it was an obsessive, repetitive couple of days. Not sure I remember all of what got me to success, to be honest.

I'm not suggesting your issue is the same, but just figured I'd share my Matter trial by fire just completed with HomeKit, SterlingHub (for HK integration), HE, and HA.

Thanks Bob, much appreciated. Mine are all on ZigBee. Just couldn't figure out what is limiting the sync or what is the actual issue here. Ran out of brain juice for now.

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LOL! I understand that, all too intimately.

Just a quick update. I have added a light sensor ZigBee device. In total, I have 5 in HE now. And I tried to sync it to GH without success. As I have 5 devices now, I tried to sync different permutation of 3 devices which works. But not more than 3.

I can only conclude that there is something which blocks me from syncing more than 3 devices. Help anyone?

The native GH integration is quite limited in the types of devices it can bring over to GH -- it's basically just bulbs, switches and plugs.

Unfortunately, there's no warning when you an ineligible device to your list for the GH integration, so you only find out the hard way (it just doesn't work).

IIRC, if you go back to your GH integration list in HE after you attempt to sync, ineligible devices will be dropped out of the list. But it's been a while since I've done any of this, so not 100% sure.

The community-developed GH integration app allows for a much wider variety of devices to be added - you may want to check it out.

[Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration - :construction: Developers - Hubitat

Yes, the in-box integration is... Lacking. Both in features and error/logs/diagnostics. I think (could be wrong) it is a case that the original developer of the Google integration is no longer with Hubitat, and it hasn't been really picked up by anyone else in favor of other development priorities.

I also would recommend using the community developed one until such a time as the in-box one is updated.

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Thanks hydro. I doubt it is incompatible devices as I could sync any of the 5 devices as long as I sync only 3 at any time. When I try to sync all 5, only 3 will be sync'ed.

Thanks! Let me try that out. Still a newbie in HE. Your help is much appreciated.

I'd bet anything those couple of devices are somehow incompatible with the native integration -- I've never heard of a cap/limit on the # of devices that can be added, but it's most definitely more than 3...

I'm probably one of the few people left who still uses the native integration, and I've got ~60 devices successfully integrated and working well there.

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