Google Home linked, doesn’t see device

There is this from the 2.2.5 release notes.

"You will need to open Thermostat Controller and select the thermostat, and hit Done. If there are any issues doing this, you may need to remove it and reinstall. Updates settings when restrictions expire."

So you might need to remove any existing virtual thermostats from Google Assistant and also follow the above instructions from @bravenel

Do you have a link to those release notes?

I did that, but still no luck.

Which "above instructions" are you referring to? I couldn't find any posts from @bravenel in this thread.

Bruce wrote the notes for Thermostat Controller there.

I read it, but I didn't see anything that would explain/fix why a Thermostat Controller is now an incompatible device with Google Home.

This is resolved in

I can confirm, that this is now working :smiley:

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Unfortunately, I spoke too soon :frowning:

The thermostat controller does show up in Google Home.
The current thermostat properties (state, temperature, setpoint) are listed in Google Home.
I can change the mode (heat/cool/off) in Google Home.

However, any change I make to the temperature setpoint in Google Home doesn't update in HE.

This seems to be a problem with Auto mode. Both Alexa and Google are not allowing adjustments when it’s enabled. Try disabling Auto mode.

I can't speak to Alexa, but when you adjust the setpoint of a Google thermostat that's in Heat/Cool mode using a voice command, it will adjust the mid-point of the high-low - keeping the temperature spread the same.

Actually, I am not using Auto mode.

This seems to be fixed now in

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Not sure what happened, but this stopped working again. I update HE to, but the thermostats remain unresponsive in HE when the setpoints are changed in Google Home.

Any updates on this issue? Is anybody else experiencing this problem?

I used this method to get the temperature off one of my contact sensors that has temperature reporting. (I don't have a smart thermostat in that room yet.) The virtual device shows up in Google Home as a thermostat. I went into the device in GH and turned the "thermostat" off. Now when I ask for the temperature in the Master Bedroom I get back "The Master Bedroom Temp is off and it's xx degrees"

Next will be my screen porch temperature :smiley:

Thanks for the instructions!!

How can I setup more than one thermostat?

:man_shrugging:t3: Never tried. Can’t you just give it a different name and add it?

Found it. You have to add another instance of the Thermostat Controller App.
Can this app be changed to have child devices??

Anything is possible, but this seems like a very unique use case to change the app for. Thermostat Controller lets you average multiple sensors and control multiple thermostats in your home from one central virtual thermostat, because normally you would want your home to be overall evenly conditioned right?

I cannot think of how it would make sense to have multiple child instances in this app, but that's not to say @bravenel might not see another compelling use case. But ideally google getting their house in order so these workarounds are not needed would be what every Google Home owner really needs.

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I guess I'm just not seeing how to add multiple thermostats into the app. I followed your directions for setting up a thermostat to use with Google Home. Very easy with your excellent instructions except I don't see where to do step 3 "Add the Hubitat Virtual Thermostat to a new Thermostat Controller child app." I really used it just to get Google to announce the temperature off my motion and temperature sensor that is outside. I want be able to also have a sensor with the temperature for inside.
When I open the thermostat controller app I only see a way to configure one controller.
I added another instance of the thermostat controller to set up the second "thermostat" so Google could announce the temp when I say "Hey Google, what's the inside temperature?" Is that considered a child app?

Is there another way to get Google to report a device's temperature?

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