Google Home Integration Mixing Devices Across Homes

While attempting to add devices (virtual switches and sonoff switches) from my Hubitat Elevate hub to google home I noticed a virtual switch defined on the hub in my first home shows up on google home for the second home (two physical homes are configured with two separate HE hubs).

I've tried unlinking and reconnection several times but the VS still shows up on the wrong home. And I guess because I unlinked the accounts all the HE devices show up as offline now on GH. They continue to show offline even though the HE account has been reconnected.

I wonder if HE supports this type of configuration?
Does anyone know how to purge GH of the offline devices so perhaps they can be added again.

If both google devices are on the same account that may be the issue.

What is required to have two homes in GH, call them A & B each with their own HE hub called HE-A and HE-B. I want GH for A to display only devices defined on HE-A and GH for B to display only devices defined on HE-B.
Currently HE-B and HE-B have the same admin account.

How did you add more than one hub to Google Home? I just ran into the limitation that I can't have more than one hub in GH. I want to do one hub per home, but I don't seem to be able to do that.

Do you have one Home in Google or two? Depending on your situation, it would be the following:

One Google Home with two Hubitats
1.) For Hubitat 1, just bring it in like normal
2.) For Hubitat 2, you need to either have a second email address in the Google Home or use [Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration

For two Google Homes with two Hubitats
1.) Use your primary email address to bring in Hubitat 1 into Google Home 1
2.) Use your primary email address to bring in Hubitat 2 into Google Home 2

I have two Google Home "Homes". They were using the same email address, but when I tried that it blew up.

This morning, I recreated one of the Homes with a different email address. I was able to connect it to Hubitat.

I will have a look at the Community integration. Thanks

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