Google Home Integration - Just got my Hubitat

More issues with Google Today (they may have started late last night after upgrading firmware). Today, google was presenting me with "can't connect to hubitat, blah, blah, blah..." so I removed the Google Home App and then unlinked Hubitat from Google Home. I then go back to re-link the Hubitat, it has me auth and then I pick my Hub. It just spins for a while and the the resonse from is just

"The parameter state must be set int eh query string." I'm about ready to toss hubitat out the window.

Anyone else having issues

Yes, see Cloud endpoints not working


Wouldn't you be able to use this: Local execution | Actions on Google Smart Home | Google Developers

to continue hubitat integrations?? It would require talking to google assistant first but I'm doing that anyways as is with current deployment software, and it would maintain local autonomy rather than having to go to cloud for response.

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