Google Home devices out of sync (e.g. on/off status)

Is there some special setting to force a tighter refresh sync between Google Home and HE? I'm asking because GH is very out of sync - lights and virtual switches properly appear in GH, but they don't get updated when manually change them or I use the HE dashboard. Google works fine to control these devices and will sync status after I issue a state change, but this is super annoying.

Is there somewhere that I can set GH to poll like every minute or something so it grabs any changes that happen outside it's UI?

There is a setting in the GH app, to allow polling but it says to consult with support. Options are 5 mins, 30mins, 60 mins, which I don't think will help much.

Are you using Google as a status monitor?
Is using the HE dashboard an option for you? The dashboard has realtime feedback and is local

I saw those options but they're caveated with the "don't use this unless someone in support told you to" so I figured I'd ask here, first.

I'm not using Google as a status monitor, but I'm occasionally using it as an interface and it's egregiously out of sync, like, days after a change is made, it still doesn't know. Google's verbal assistant can check status of items and I find handsfree quite useful in certain situations (I don't want to change a state, I just want to ask what it is, etc). generally, "I default to HE dashboards, but I want my Google to be at least kinda lined up." This is most meaningful with virtual switches that control modes and goodnight-like functionality. I haven't fully debugged but I think Google is doing some optimization when it already thinks it is in night mode it doesn't bother to flip a virtual switch, meaning some routine stuff in HE doesn't get triggered.

I'm having the same issue with my devices and Google Home. They are mainly lights, light switches and some smart plugs. I use Google assistant on the various Nest devices around the home and 99.9% of the time it responds fine.

But the actual app itself is usually out of sync. I rarely use the hubitat dashboard, because I prefer the google home app integration more convenient with the other things available in the app such as broadcasting messages, etc.

The other issue I have is sometimes (rarely) devices get stuck and no matter where I try to change their status (voice, Google Home App, Hubitat dashboard), it doesn't respond. I usually have to reset the device and re-connect it which is annnoying.

Any ideas what I can do to fix these issues?

Do you happen to know precisely where that setting is? I can't seem to find it (I know it's been a year since this comment, but I really can't find it anywhere).

Sure. Also try an app called chromcast helper.
Make sure you're using the latest google home app version

setting is below

I did not have the latest GHC installed, so I updated, but that hasn’t changed anything as far as I can tell (the config UI looks the same and my devices still show offline).

I tried installing Chromecast helper but I don’t understand how that helps my case, perhaps you can explain? My issue is with various smart devices on Znets not being properly synced to the Google cloud, which seems entirely distinct from Chromecast Helpers ability to keep native google devices alive on my LAN with pings/polling… right?


Here’s a picture of my symptoms

Notice the google devices are actually showing up just fine. It’s the Z devices that don’t. Also, basic controls DO WORK FINE even though those devices show a warning / offline status.

I can try to help, but need to know your router/wifi setup and the devices . Are they zigbee or z-wave?
How many HE hubs do you have?

I’m an IT guy so I’m running UniFi hardware everywhere for LAN/WiFi. The devices in question are all Zwave and Zigbee (no WiFi based smart devices). Single HE hub. The devices are always showing perfectly as far as status and control in Hubitat (just for the record).

Ok, and the chromcast advice above was incorrect, that's for TTS.
Anyway I was thinking zigbee/wifi interference, but you said they work fine in HE.
I would try deleting and resetting GH & starting over.
My setup works great, wifi,zigbee,z-wave all in GH, plus smartthing's devices as well. I do notice with voice control Google tells me HE not available, on occasion

That's why my setup is so odd - the voice controls work flawlessly through Google! Also the GH app controls work sometimes, despite the device always showing "offline"... wtf?

I really wish I could find the original setting you were talking about back in April 21... which I also saw, but now cannot find... given that seems to be exactly what I need right now!

Oh, it's here
under apps

Uploading: image.png(1)...

Sooo, I just realized I'm exclusively using Google Home COMMUNITY now (I think I still had both installed when I started this thread a year ago). I think the setting you're pointing me at is the OEM Google integration right?

Correct, I'm using the native integration

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