Here's the setup I'm using for the dual relay. This won't be as inexpensive for everyone. I got the Omron relays for free with visa reward points, but it is inexpensive still. Just need to make sure it goes into a project box so you are safe from electrocution. The Aqara dual relay module contacts do have 120v AC between them and ground, even when the relay jumper is removed. I had the project box already, so my costs were kept down. My out of pocket was just the dual relay module.
Ordered these 120v relays
And this dual Aqara relay, which I got with a coupon code from @veeceeoh, which is no longer valid (I tried to order a second one with the same discount code). Gearbest and Bangood both now have it for $26.99 US, which is still a great price.