After a week now of taking down the Ecobee 4 and putting up the Zen Thermostat, I'm pretty pleased so far. I want to give a big thanks to @bravenel for creating the averaging apps for temperature and humidity shown here Averaging I'm now able to use a combined 38 temperature sensors and 5 humidity sensors to create my own 'ecobee style' algorithm using rule machine.
The thermostat controls my central A/C and propane furnace. However the primary source of heating is a fireplace and the propane furnace is usually only for overnnights when no wood is being added to the fire.
I am able to use a Ventilation Schedule rule to circulate the heat from the fireplace throughout the house, for when the "outside temp" (of my personal weather station) is below 50. (which is the temp needed below before lighting a fire)
So as you can see by the rules (still fine tuning), Rule Machine is literally running the thermostat completely automatically for heat and cool based solely on outside temperature (weather station), inside temperature of 38 sensors, and inside humidity of 5 sensors, all LOCAL control, no more worries on Ecobee's servers being down for hours on end, away from home and the thermostat is off and unable to cool down before coming home is no longer an worry I have!
That is truly awesome. I think with some re-wiring, I can get the Zen to work with my system (2-stage HP with 2-stage AUX). Basically, I have to convert it to 1-stage AUX. Where I live (New Orleans), I think the HP can keep the place warm by itself and AUX will be used so rarely that I can just go with 1-stage AUX.
I would think so, Seems you wouldn't need 2 stages of Aux in LA. I'm switching the propane furnace over to a heat pump next spring (hopefully) since my main source is the fireplace I'm hoping I'll never use Aux heat here in OK, but by chance I don't have any wood it may be a possibility.
I'm using 4 of the Zooz 4-1's and the humidity reading from my Ambient Weather Station.
The driver for these Zooz 4-1's is native and are adjustable for their accuracy as well as %change for reporting. I currently have one in the bathroom and automating the fart fan is actually my next project.
As far as speed they are 'ok' with how they detect motion, however I wouldn't recommend them if your main purpose is for a motion sensor as even though the driver states the re-trigger is adjustable, I have yet to get any of my 4 to not go inactive after 8 seconds of no motion even when the driver is set for 60 seconds. They are ok though for a multiple zone motion sensor tied with a different motion sensor.