Anyone know if there are any good RM tutorials, other than the hubitat ones.
You tube?
Have you seen the Hubitat ones on YouTube? I know you said "other than the Hubitat ones," but I'm not sure if you mean the "printed"/online docs as opposed to the videos. If you haven't, these are the two that I'd consider the most relevant and, I think, still up to date:
- How to Use Rule Machine Vol. 1: Simple Conditional Rules - YouTube
- Rule Machine 2: Advance Conditional Rules - YouTube
If you have, I'm not aware of any others, though I'd be surprised if a smart home enthusiast hasn't made at least one or two somewhere too. If you're just looking for example rules (the above would at least show you how to navigate the UI), then the docs and lots of forum threads (1, 2, and undoubtedly others) have many you can look at. Lots of people are also willing to help if you just ask for something specific.
Hope this helps a little!
The 1 and 2 you linked looks promising.
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