Go control garage door opener

I have Go Control Z Wave Garage door opener . It works fine and does report the correct position.. open or closed
My challenge is that when it opens it reports closed first then open which causes issues with a rule I created to turn on a light .

Look at using an ecolink tilt sensor instead. Very accurate and cheap.


A Garage Door Opener (GDO) should step through 3 states... if it begins Closed, then it should change to Opening, then Open. If it's Open, it should be changing to Closing, then Closed. The black tilt sensor defines the open and closed states, while the intermediate is software out on the GDO.

I have two of these GDO and neither exhibits the symptoms you report. I have my own set of undesirable symptoms... I get false open/close states all day, every day. Before I bought these GDO I installed an Ecolink Tilt Sensor and it's THAT device that I use in my alerts.

I add my recommendation of the Ecolink tilt sensor to @rlithgow1


What model and what driver? It shouldn't report closed then open if it's open.

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Depends on how "jerky" the garage door is and the type of tilt sensor. I had a "metal ball" tilt sensor on my garage door, and before I changed the rollers, and greased everything down, it was very common for the sensor to go through the following states while transitioning from closed to open.

closed -> open -> closed -> open (and stays open)

I initially solved it using a custom driver that ignored state changes within 5 seconds of "open". But the real solution was to use a mercury tilt sensor. And of course, changing the rollers and greasing the chain and motor also probably helped.


GoControl/Linear GD00Z-4 Z-Wave Garage Door

Thank you ! Bought the Ecolink and all is well now . I have both on my dashboard and to monitor the original one. I changed all the rules I use to the Ecolink and all works as it should. Thanks !

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I have this same GDO and Tilt that BOTH throw false open/closed states when the wind is pushing on the door. The false states for both door and tilt always match and happen seconds apart.

It’s new behavior but, i need a solution.

I want to use the Ecolink tilt you mention, but how would I ‘attach’ that new tilt to my GDO? On the Device page, I don’t see any drop-down to associate a new sensor.

I’m using the Generic Zwave GDO opener driver. Is there a different driver that affords those options?


You REPLACE the GDO's status in your automations with the new Ecolink tilt. Or better said, install the Ecolink and then never use the GDO's status again. You open and close the door via the GDO device but to see if it is open or closed, use the Ecolink.

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 3.29.28 PM

If you're looking at a dashboard similar to mine, you'll see the GDO tiles 'flicker' from green to red and back. But that isn't used anywhere in my house :slight_smile: A real "Open" would show both the GDO and the Tilt Sensor as red.

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Ok, I get it. I’ll use a new one for automations and I like your idea of keeping the tiles together on the dash as a backup.

I currently have the tilt sensor off the door with battery out.

I literally have wood braces against the garage door this evening for the high 22-35 kt north winds on Cape Cod. I’ll put i back together when this weather passes.

Keep up the good work.

The GDO needs its included tilt sensor. The GDO sends two statuses in each cycle.. you tell it to open and it responds "Opening" and then when the sensor says it's open it sends another status of "Open" -- same in reverse... "Closing" then "Closed" You won't get that status without their included sensor. :slight_smile:

I have a dashboard as you can see, but I hardly ever use it. I add a new device to a hub, then add it to the correct dashboard. I confirm working and I may never look at that tile again for months. I did that with a couple of leak sensors that I purchased a month ago. Like so many, if there's a leak, the main water supply is shut and alerts and alarms go out. I've yet to look at the leak sensor tiles. They won't be more informative than the noise my automations make when a leak is detected :slight_smile:

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