Gledopto led controller issues

I just paired my Gledopto RGBW LED Controller to Hubitat. No issues. But, the buttons for the device don't seem to be controlling the correct actions. When I click Off. The lights switch to red and stay on. I've reset and factory reset multiple times no change. Any suggestions?

On Database of Zigbee devices compatible with ZHA, Tasmota, Zigbee2MQTT, deCONZ, ZiGate and ioBroker I counted eleven (11) different Gledopto RGBW controllers...

Give us some more details ( the device model/manufacturer as shown at the bottom of the HE device web page) and which drivers you have tried.


Model GL-C-007P


This device has some 'specifics', which may prevent it using the HE inbuilt RGBW controller drivers.

Have you tried the custom Gledopto drivers ?