I recently bought several of the Gledopto MR16 Zigbee bulbs. for my landscape lights but I'm having issues with them working correctly. I am able to pair them and initially I can turn them on and off but after a couple minutes they stop responding. I've tried two with the same results and one of them I factory reset (and removed as a device in Hubitat), reconnected and still same results.
It's defaulting to the Advanced Zigbee RGBW Driver which I believe is the one I want to use. Two things I noticed during my investigation. I think that Hubitat automatically triggers the configure command once it's established and it seems like maybe this is part of the problem? Once the configure command is done seems to be when it stops responding. As far as I can tell I have no way to supress that from happening to test and validate that is part of the problem. The second thing I noticed is for the bulb I connected, reset and then reconnected the second time it connected I got a log item noting that the device id had changed which is not something I've seen before for zigbee devices.
So at this point I'm kind of at a loss for what to do next. Any help would be appreciated.
Have you tried Generic RGBW Bulb instead? Run a "Configure" after changing drivers. That command does run on pairing, if that is what you're also asking, but it's supposed to help, not cause problems. Not all bulbs work with the "Advanced" drivers; maybe this is one.
Since these are outdoor lights and it sounds like they might be far away from the hub, I'd also see if you're dealing with a range/mesh issue and if bringing them closer to the hub changes anything.
I did try switching to the generic RGBW and running configure and it unfortunately did not do anything.
I have multiple zigbee switches about 10 to 15 feet away from the bulbs, but I've also added a MHCOZY zigbee relay to the transformer (different run than what these bulbs are on) that is just a few feet away. That relay is working just fine and is mains powered so should also be able to act as a repeater if needed.
Getting an MR16 socket setup near the hub is going to take some work. It doesn't feel like distance is the issue here but I'll work to figure out how I can rule that out.
So I did some more testing. Kept the device in Hubitat and reset the bulb to pair it again with the existing device. I did this to see if the configure command still runs on a re-paired device (it does) and to try a re-pair to hubitat with the Generic Zigbee RGBW Light driver set instead of the default Advanced driver.
Still had the same problems, it stops responding after a few minutes but I noticed something else odd. The configure command is running 3 times. For the second and third time the device address changes. I myself am not hitting the configure command. Only thing I am doing to check responses is turning the bulb on and off. This happens with either of the zigbee rgbw drivers.
The bulb stops responding after the third configure command runs.
This is very strange, configure is only called either manually via the driver UI, or when the device initially joins the zigbee network.
Can you click the update firmware button in the driver and post the live log results?
I uploaded a firmware image for a Gledopto device recently, but not sure of the exact device it was for, the live logs will indicate which firmware version this device is using...
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Update Firmware seems to do nothing. Nothing showed up in the logs when I clicked it. I've got it set to the Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb driver if that matters. And I have debug enabled.
This is the device details
Is the device even working?
At the very least you should something similar to this:
I think that is the point or trouble I am having. It pairs and works for a few minutes (I know because I can turn it off and on from the hub after it first pairs) but then seems to stop responding altogether after a few minutes. I tried this with multiple bulbs and got the same results.
I also tried powering down the bulb for a while and plugging it back in and that seems to do nothing either.
Are all of your other Zigbee devices working without issue?
Yup. I've got 96 Inovelli VZM31-SN Blue Series Switches, 166 Sengled bulbs, 20 blinds and a couple dozen other Zigbee devices all connected and working just fine.
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Do you have a link to this device for purchase?, perhaps I can fetch one and see what's up with it...
I got mine from Aliexpress but you can also get them off Amazon