
Hi everyone. I’m running a C-8, and recently remodeled the house. The result is about 40 ghosts haunting me in every direction. :slight_smile:

I’m trying to use an Aeotec z-stick to nuke the ghosts, but I keep getting the error “Learn mode Removed completed in XX:XX:XX:XXX.”

I’m using v5 of the SI Labs app.

Any suggestions? I’m irritated enough that I’m seriously considering resetting my C-8 and starting over, but that is a heck of a lot of exclusions/inclusions, LOL.

Thanks as always. Happy new year!

Don't know if this will help but I just had to do this with my Aeotec Z-stick and I used the procedure I copied below. I don't remember exactly where I got this from but I had to do this a year or so back and saved this procedure. Using it just a week or so ago I was able to get rid of my ghost.

I did have issues getting rid of the secondary controller, after I finished but finally got it removed.

Start Simlicity Studios > Tools Z-wave PC controller

Insert USB Stick into Windows machine
> If it doesn't show up as UZB in device manager, select UZB driver from:
> ...\ZWavePCController_v5_39\Bin\ZW050x_USB_VCP_PC_Driver
> Install PC Controller from:
> ...\ZWavePCController_v5_39\Bin\ZWavePCController\ZWaveControllerSetup.msi
> PC: Launch PC controller from start menu
> PC: Click the Settings button top-right and select the UZB Com port
> settings
> PC: Click Network Management
> PC: Click Reset
> reset
> HE: Open up a separate Hubitat log page/tab to see progress
> HE: Open up the Hubitat Device Discovery page and start Z-Wave device discovery
> PC: Click Select Learn Mode
> learn
> PC: Select Learn Mode: NWI Button
> ) NWI
> Watch HE and PC start communicating and give it time to transfer over information on all the Z-Wave devices. It took a couple minutes for my 70ish devices
> PC: You should now see all your Z-Wave devices on the left.
> HE: Open up the Z-Wave details and sort by Node (default)
> PC: Confirm secondary control by selecting a node switch that you know by looking at the HE list, and turn it on and off by selecting it and clicking the Basic Set On/Off button
> Compare the lists and see if there are some missing entries in HE.
> a. I had an old test controller and two old Aeotec sirens I had played with last month that showed up in PC but not in the HE list.
> b. I'm assuming this means the Z-Wave controller in HE knows about these devices but they have no entries in the HE database? Source of trouble anyway.
> PC: Select mismatched node
> PC: Click Is Failed
> PC: Wait and see the device turn red if it's indeed missing/failed
> PC: Click Remove Failed
> PC: (Repeat for any other mismatched nodes)
> PC: For fun, head over to the Topology Map View and refresh to see which device can communicate with another.
> PC: Close PC Controller
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Thanks so much!