Ghost Nodes Removal

The device in question is the last one named as Basement Bathroom Warer Sensor.
I force removed it and re-included.
Will resetting z-wave radio erase all of the ghost nodes if there are any?Do I exclude first, then reset the radio or reset the the radio, then exclude?

That’s correct. I don’t have any repeating devices. I’m just starting my journey of home automation.
Regarding the not-paired device, how do I remove it? There’s a Remove button in the status column after I refreshed the device. Should I use it? Also, should I reset the z-wave radio instead?


This may not work if you re-paired this device. If that happens, you will need to use PC Controller to remove the device. However, in my experience, ghosts of non-repeating devices - like a binary sensor will not interfere with the network.

OK. So I clicked the remove button for 007 device and the device is gone. Is this problem solved now?
My remaining issue is building a strong mesh (which I'm gonna start with reading the doc you suggested)?

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@bcopeland has also indicated that even a mains powered device that is properly connected can also temporarily show no routing - I've seen it one of my C7 hubs, with both a range extender (Aeotec) and a wall-wart plug (Jasco). Usually a simple reboot would re-populate the routing info, but it could disappear again. The function of the device was alway fine, even when no routing showed.

Unfortunately I cannot remember his explantion accurately, and don't want to badly mis-quote him here. :slight_smile: it is:

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As @aaiyar pointed out, you need repeaters. I highly recommend the Ring V2 extender. Also if you can throw some pains powered devices in there it will certainly help. Maybe some outlets or switches. Mains powered devices repeat...(though metal boxes do lower the signal a bit)

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Ok. Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll look into it.

Best repeaters for me have been Jasco\GE wall wart plugs. Like these. They repeat like crazy. Had zero luck with the Ring repeaters.

Edit... Oops posted the wrong one see my updated post below.

That's gotta hurt! :rofl:

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Um, you are aware that these are Zigbee, and the Ring v2 are Z-Wave Plus, aren’t you? Zigbee doesn’t repeat for Z-Wave, and vice versa. That might explain why the Ring repeaters didn’t repeat for you. They repeat fine for me.

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I have the Z-Wave versions... I must have posted the wrong pic above. Oops.,:slightly_smiling_face:

These are the ones I've bought. They are mad good repeaters for me.


I went to check my Z-Wave details and found the Master Bathroom Toilet fan with Device #4B had no route info. (BT it is an Inovelli Black On/Off switch). Since repair didn't work I removed it from the Z-Wave details page and then went into the device from the device page and removed it there too. I then re-included it. When I did I added it back into the Alexa and Google apps, the Dashboard app and then the one Button 3.1 rule it had been in. For some reason though, when I went back into the device it showed it was being used by the button rule and dashboard but neither Alexa nor Google.

I then went back to the Z-Wave details and saw that device 4B was still there, just with no name. I tried to remove it from there to no eval. I tried air gapping the device and then removing it, but that didn't work either.

I then excluded the Master Bathroom Toilet Fan again, air gapped it, shut down the hub, pulled the hub power from the plug and waited about 15 minutes before I plugged the C-8 back in again.

The ghost device is still showing up in the Z-Wave details page but isn't on the Devices page. Now I only have buttons to refresh, repair or discover. I don't even have a remove button. I have left the switch air gapped and I have not re-included it.

As you'll see below, no device "4B" is there,

12/11/2023 update:
I tried "repair" and then the "remove" button appeared. I tried that and now it says "Pending" (See screenshot below). How long should it say "Pending" before it actually removes it?

I only have a desktop mac so I can't use a Z-Wave stick to go up to it to remove it.

Help, please.

You can. Simply load up parallels or bootcamp and use a demo copy of windows.

It can take a day or so... I would just wait it out.

I do have Parallels but I thought that people were getting Z-Wave sticks to use with a laptop that they could take up to the switch. My Mac is a 27" all-in-one, so I can't really just carry it over to the switch.

I will wait a couple of days and see what happens.

No, you use a z-wave stick with the silabs software to talk to the hub., It's paired to the hub as a secondary controller. Then you find and remove the ghost. No moving the computer.

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So it's been over a week and that ghost is still there. For some crazy reason all of the lights in 1 room suddenly turn on every now and then. Even though the switch that it seems the ghost was affiliated was not in the same room it seems too much of a coincidence.

So my first question is why do I need to go out and buy a Z-Wave stick to get rid of this? Why can't Hubitat fix it itself?

But, that is just my frustration. I guess it is what it is and I have to bite the bullet and do this. Can you put in a link to the one you suggest?

I've looked at the instructions to remove ghost this way before and they seem to be way above my understanding, so I'm guessing I'll be back here once I get the stick.

You may need a stick.... The issue is not with hubitat but with the Silabs SDK that is the issue.

Honestly it's very simple. Load the silabs software on your pc or laptop. Plug the stick into your laptop. Start pairing on Hubitat and then pairing in the SiLabs software and it will pair with the hub. From the Si Labs software find the ghost and remove it. Exclude the stick. The instructions are very step by step and very easy to follow once you have the software in front of you.

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I’ll give it a go as I think it may be why one room is suddenly turning on all the devices in that room every now and then starting after the ghost appeared.

Can you give me a link to the stick you recommend?

Do I need to power off the device I think the ghost was related to when I remove the ghost?

Is the stick useful for anything besides removing ghosts? (I’m asking as I might as well get the most out of it)

This will do ya