Ghost Devices

Hello everyone, i have about 7 ghost device from trying to pair two zwave schlage locks earlier this week. I know at this point i need to get rid of the ghost devices in order to get the locks working.

I have read all the posts on ghost devices so far, the Zwave UI in settings gives me the remove option but it does nothing, It logs this error when i click on Remove (Failed node 1A remove status: 0 SDK failure node is no longer in failed node list) I have been trying for days, including powering off the hub and waiting for ten minutes , rebooting, repairing nothing so far removes the ghosts. Some suggested that it cleans up the ghost devices at night but its been four nights since this started and no joy yet.

The locks in question are both powered off, actually sitting on my desk.

I am a mac user so i went through all the fun of installing the Simplicity Studio both the 4 and 5 version only to get error messages that the PC Controller doesn't run on Mac, only on windows (I do have the 14 page doc on how to do this but its very old and dated at this point)

So i break down and get a winblows machine out and go though and install it on that only to get stuck where the the studio won't get the version from a zooz stick no matter what i do, it's in the process of doing a windows update (windows 10) which as slow as it is wont be for a few hours at this point and maybe that will help but I have tried every driver available that i can find from silicone labs and no luck, refresh, discover, a hundred times, taken the stick in and out a dozen time. The PC sees the stick and assigns it a com port and the studio see it but can't get the version and the rest of the info for me to continue

I have to think there is a better way but would sure like some help especially since i can't lock the doors until i get this done (family is going to get me in my sleep if i dont soon ....

Thanks in advance ..

I have had a few ghost nodes in the last few months. I have not had to break out the Z-Stick to remove them. Not to say it can't happen.

If I understand you got the remove and clicked it and the remove went away but the device remained? I have seen this and just hit discover, I think, and then maybe refresh. I can't remember the sequence but I know I have had cases where I had to go through the process of removing then going back and getting the remove button to come back several times before it finally went away. I know in one case I almost got to the point I started to break out the Z-Stick. I finally got it to remove, however.

You say you have been at for several days so perhaps you have already been through this, but I thought I would mention it.

Also when you get the devices removed you should find a way to get the hub right next to the lock before you try pairing again. That is the only way I got one my Schlage to pair.

I am a Mac user as well. I have an older intel x86 iMac on which I installed Bootcamp, works well. Parallels works fine on newer M1 and M2 Macs. Install PC Controller on Bootcamp or Parallels, works fine with USB Z-stick.

I have done the discover the remove at least ten times on each device over the last four days and they still persist. And yes I have pulled the locks so that if I ever get rid of the ghost devices I will attempt to pair the with the hub and the lock next to each other..

I think the remove process in the hub is broken. This should be a straightforward function if you ask me.

Thanks for the help.. will keep trying ..

I appreciate all that but right now I would rather avoid spending the money on a new windows 10 license and parallels , heck I could buy a new hub for less and still not fix it, the documentation even says it’s buggy to get to work, bad enough to have to spend $40 bucks on a stick to fix a $150 hub.. not like I will ever use the stick for anything else.. now I don’t know if it’s buggy software or a bad out of box stick.. uggggg.. it should not be this hard to fix..

You can get windows 11 for free as a demo and then use boot camp instead of running paralells... That said, the driver to see the zooz stick is already in windows 10 (even earlier versions), Make sure windows is up to date through windows update. Launch PC Controller from within Studio and then plug in the zooz stick and hit refresh and you will see it,. Also do not confuse hex with dec in the software.

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I must be living in a third universe, so i go ahead and install wind 10 pro on my macbook , was doing a bunch of multitasking etc, anyways i get it done, install the studio and then go to tools add the controller and it goes though the process and then wants to re-boot, reboot it comes back and no tools, i have done this not about ten times, i have tried by changing permissions, run as an admin, rebooted windows a few times .. Still no joy...this studio is some finicky stuff..

there appears to be no support available from silicone labs other then the community support, i called their main number and there is an option to leave a message but i am not holding my breath.

Anyways you ever hear of this ?

FYI I just went through this. I had a Zen34 remote switch that I sent to Zooz for a warranty repair. There was no way to do a proper remove.
I just got the switch back and re-paired it. The old switch location was still there as a ghost node. I could not get the hub to remove it.

In my case, no matter how many times I clicked discover or refresh it would not give me a remove button. It would say the device was not responding but I could not remove it because there was no option to remove it.

I finally broke out the Z-Stick and I got rid of it. I flailed around a bit since I had not done that in quite some time, Once I got it set up though, it did remove the ghost node.

This thread helped me get everything set back up again.

All, I finally was able to get the studio and controller installed and working, what a pain, then using the instructions it all made sense and after about 5 hours of screwing around with the controller install it took ten minutes to remove the ghosts, next time will be easier>

For those that follow this thread and if you are using a Mac and decide to use bootcamp and winblows 10 i had to reboot the host (Mac OS) and then come back into Window before the install of the tools would actually work. Once I did that everything worked as described in the doc.

Thanks for all of those that helped, now to try and get my Konnected Temp Probes working ,,LOL

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Thanks for reporting that, I'll add it to the ghost removal doc.

I think you're saying that you installed bootcamp and Windows, then installed Simplicity Studio, then rebooted the host (Mac OS), and then went back into Simplicity Studio and were able to add the Z-Wave tools & install PC I have that right?

Glad that you're past the first step of this stuff...

Oh, also...this: :slight_smile:

“SimplicityStudio”. Hah. Some marketing person was demented to give it such a name.


So boot camp means he booted directly to the windows install on his laptop vs using a VM Hypervisor like Paralells. But for some reason he had to reboot back into MAC OS then back into Windows to clear what ever was going on. Sounds something in boot camp needed refreshed.

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Thats correct, i had to exit out of the windows image, go to OSX, reboot that back into OSX, then go back to the windows image and then it allowed the studio to add the tools.

Cheers ...


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