Getting various date/time from now()

I'm looking to add some time of day checks to my custom app, but am not sure the easiest way to pull out hour for example from now()

I was looking at The Apache Groovy programming language - Blogs - Groovy Dates And Times Cheat Sheet

I tried

  • now().hour
  • now().properties
  • now[HOUR_OF_DAY]

Nothing worked. I want to do something like:

def triggerAlarm() {
  if (avoidNightAlerts == true) {
    if (now().hour > 20 || now().hour < 7) {
  if (state.alarmTriggerTimestamp > 0) {
    state.alarmTriggerTimestamp = 0

Did you try?

I usually go with SimpleDateFormat (Java Platform SE 8 )


I was also trying to do this and found stuff online about using the Calendar class instead. In this example I am getting the current date/time, subtracting a minute and then extracting the hour and minute to be used with scheduling a recurring task.

void scheduleSomething() {
	def cal = Calendar.getInstance()
	cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -1)
	Integer hour = cal[Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY]
	Integer minute = cal[Calendar.MINUTE]
	schedule( "0 ${minute} ${hour} * * ?", scheduledFunction)

Thanks all for the ideas and resources!

This one worked really easy for me. I'm assuming its 24 hour time format for the hours. Will see in a few hours. :slight_smile:


here is another way

def now = new Date().format('MM/dd/yyyy h:mm a', location.timeZone)

sendEvent(name: "lastUpdate", value: now, descriptionText: "Last Update: $now")