Geofence thinks I'm away when I'm Home

What does that mean?

as soon as I quit the ssh session, the node.js app quits too.

And in English ? :joy:

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lol, SSH is a text based connection to my Linux server and I havent setup the homebridge app to run as a background service yet (as in always on).

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Ok im fully up and running with Homebridge and have HomeKit presence detection added into the mix!

These instructions were by far the best (but there's still a lot of messing about with JSON code before it'll talk to HE:

It wouldn't be your primary presence detection but would prevent false away triggers by combining presence devices. Having all your presence detection on your phone even if it's multiple different apps or apps and wifi is still a single point of failure. By adding a Bluetooth tag you wont get those away for one minute trips when your phone goes into power saving, gets an update, or whatever. I have a credit card style tile that I can just stick in my wallet.


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I now have 2 GPS based Sensors (HE iOS app & HomeKit) + the excellent WiFi presence detection system.

And I use the advanced presence combiner like this:

Now I have reliable GPS tracking, I've set the wifi time out to 2 minutes so the away happens reasonably quickly. I've kept the WiFi tracking mainly for its super fast arrival detection.

I am the author to the ESP32 Tile tracker, and I agree with lewis.heidrick. I use Tile Bluetooth Low Energy tracker combined with wifi presence detection to prevent false away signals when my iPhone goes into power saving mode or getting an update.

My spouse and I rely on wifi detection for return from away mode. I am going to experiment adding another ESP32 Tile tracker close to the front of our home to test where it detects the Tiles on our keys. Another option might be to increase the sensitivity of the scanner by adding an antenna.

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Is this the app you're using to integrate Geofency with Hubitat?

How is this solution integrated with Hubitat?

Via the maker api


I haver never ever got my phone to work on geofence on Hubitat or smartthings in the past, my phone is detected as a device and that's as far as it goes ?????????????????

Our phones work about 75% of the time..might be worth joining the Beta programme that does seem a little better at geofencing than the released version....and it doesn't eat the battery as much. I have changed to HomeKit/Homebridge but'ts still not 100% but it is certainly better.

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Is this a Hubitat beta? or an external one?


Where does one find this beta? I might be interested.

Otherwise, how I handle presence is using a virtual presence (Combine Presence) with just a single phone for each person and another for combined presence of the household members. I then set up a dashboard with the phone and the virtual presence (as a switch) beneath the associated phone.

That way, IF the presence doesn't work on the phone, I just go in the dashboard and toggle the switch (The phone always catches up in <= 10 minutes). This also makes it easy to switch phones without having to update a bunch of automations. I just go into the combined presence app and associate the person with a different phone.

Combined Presence is available through Hubitat Package Manager

Combined Presence is available through Hubitat Package Manager

Combined Presence setup for single phone

Presence Dashboard

Ahhhhh.... LOL Apparently, I was already a member of the beta program. Maybe that is why my presence has been mostly rock solid

I’ve found using both to set a virtual presence via presence combiner is 100% reliable.

I also have a wifi presence detection for fast arrival detection, however the homekit presence sensor is so fast it’s rarely needed.