For factors within their control. If Homekit can't get geofencing right (Apple controlled hardware/software), it's impossible for any one else to.
I agree that developing an app to play well with everybody is a challenge especially in the Android world. iOS is a little more standardized, but it is still a challenge. The next few years will introduce HUGE changes in our technology, hopefully for the better....
Yes. And yet, Homekit has geofencing reliability issues ....
(To be fair, like Hubitat, I understand it does offer input from other apps)
Some data that might interest you. This morning I drove to work and timed when 5 different presence sensors marked me as being "not present". The sensors are:
Phone location services independent:
- Car (geofence set for ~0.4 miles)
- Google WiFi (WiFi connection lost ~100 feet from my garage)
Phone location services dependent
- Hubitat app (today's android release: geofence ~0.4 miles)
- Alexa app (geofence ~0.4 miles)
- Life360 app (geofence ~0.4 miles)
My car and Google WiFi are connected via IFTTT. Alexa runs as a routine on their app to flip a Hubitat virtual presence sensor. Both the others are directly through Hubitat.
My car was the quickest. It marked me as not present about 100 feet outside of the 0.4 mi radius. Here are the times in order of sequence:
Garage door closed: 10:01:54.082 CST
Car: 10:03:24.282 CST
Google WiFi: 10:05:15.130 CST
Hubitat app: 10:05:38.918 CST
Life360 app: 10:05:41.795 CST
Alexa app: 10:07:00.807 CST
My combined presence sensor marked me as not present at 10:06:44.757 CST.
Presence Governor is configured to mark me as not present 1 minute after any two of (Car, Alexa, Life360, Hubitat) mark me as not present. Google WiFi is not used for this determination (because my phone can turn wifi off for other reasons). For arrival, Presence Governor marks me as present when ANY of the five change to being present. Or if I enter a front door code.
On the plus side, within 5 minutes of the garage shutting, my combined presence shows me not present and the mode changes to Away. And compensates for inadequacies in individual methods that depend on phone location services.
Also, I apologize for being cheesed off yesterday. That was inappropriate. It came from the perspective of having spent months debugging Android location/presence issues for Stringify (working with Joey Z. and Kris L.) before slowly realizing that the variables involved rendered multiplexed presence detection the only viable option.
When I started using Hubitat, I jumped on @jwetzel1492's and @doug's apps that provide reliable presence detection.
I realize this explanation doesn't excuse my tone yesterday. So, once again, I apologize.
I was about to start my own thread regarding this issue. My system keeps arming and disarming while my iPhone is 10 feet from my hub. I guess I will have to add at least one more geofence app.
iOS is not my problem plagued by HE's apparent unreliable geofencing. I just want to monitor the presence of items such as a bike, car or golf cart coming and leaving and open/close a garage. I use ST presence sensor for each item and had this working 99% of the time with ST classic. In HE its hit and miss. Just this morning I had items leaving and arriving at random yet I go weeks prior with everything working as it should. The logs show the devices as leaving and returning for no reason. All sensor batteries are 100%. I also have a solid set of repeater devices to assure the z-wave communication. I really contemplating backing out of HE as I am only halfway through ST to HE migration. I suppose I could buy an iPhone for each item and use 3 or 4 combined presence sensor methods to assure it works...NOT:grimacing:
Kind of off-topic for this thread, but perhaps this is the issue? ST arrival sensors are zigbee devices, not z-wave. Do you have zigbee repeaters paired to your hubitat hub?
I still use a few old ST arrival sensors without latency or accuracy problems, but my zigbee mesh is pretty solid.
Was everything solid before you upgraded or was it still a bit flakey?
I'm using android devices and everything has been great until this week for some strange reason. (Using HE app/phone as presence).
I also have Locative and Life360 installed but was not using them for presence but just monitoring them for their reliability.
My 'findings' are the Locative seems to work 99.9% of the time with Life360 just below.
I've moved my presence over to use Locative exclusively for the past couple of days and haven't had any issues.
Might be something to consider.
Thanks, I wasn't sure what thread to jump onto as this thread seemed to relate to geofencing issues. Anyway yes, I have Zigbee repeaters paired with the hubitat hub. I'm using some Iris smart plugs that are both Z-wave and Zigbee plus one hard-wired old ST motion sensor (version 1) outside my garage. They are all listed under Zigbee devices. So how can one know if they have a solid Zigbee mesh?
So everything works fine for weeks at a time (although I do have some latency issues) and then all of a sudden arrival sensors start coming and going. It's like the hubitat is confused about my geolocation.
Itโs quite some time later than the last post...
I have had a lot of problems with my wifeโs iPhone 11 randomly leaving the geofence while not physically moving. My iPhone 11 as a presence sensor seems to be working more solid.
Same model, same OS, same network and tower. Different results.
Switched to a manual button under cabinet at doorway for arming/disarming security.
Presence sensing only to arm/disarm my Blink cameras. Getting a notification of movement when we are home from a false โawayโ trigger is less traumatic than the siren going off while making a 3 am toilet run...
Was hoping this was a new problem having recently switched from ST but now see itโs been around a lot longer.
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