Gentle Wake Up

How would I do the following?

At a certain time, the light starts turning on at the lowest dimmer setting. Then over the course of 5 minutes it slowly increases to full brightness?

I'd also like to have my sonos integration turn on and slowly increase in volume.

(I'm hoping this helps my daughter wake up with less drama in the mornings!)

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Rule Machine.

2 rules

  1. At a certain time, set dimmer to low%
  2. At a certain time + 5 seconds (or whatever you choose), fade up to high% over 5 minutes
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If you want to get more advanced with it, you could do something similar to the following. I have 3 lights in my house that I fade down at sunset over a 30 minute period, and fade up at the later of sunrise or 6am over a 30 minute period. One of these goes from 100% during the day to 10% at night. It works so that if the light turns on outside of these two 30 minute fade windows, the light changes to it's target level (100% during the day, 10% at night). If the light turns on during the fade windows, it "catches up" to the current target level and then resumes fading up or down. If someone changes the dimmer level during the activity period, the automatic fade stops.


  1. Create a virtual dimmer device. In my case, I call it Living Room Target. This dimmer acts like a variable and stores the current target level. Turn it on after creating, otherwise the fade up/down actions in the next step won't run.
  2. RM Rule called Living Room Target - Set Level
    a. Conditions: (1) Time between 6:00AM and Sunset, (2) Time between Sunrise and Sunset
    b. Rule: Time between 6:00AM and Sunset AND Time between Sunrise and Sunset
    c. Actions for True: Fade Living Room Target up to 100 over 30 minutes
    d. Actions for False: Fade Living Room Target down to 10 over 30 minutes
  3. RM Trigger called Living Room - Track Target (this sets the physical light to the target level from step 2)
    a. Trigger: Dimmer level becomes Living Room Target <= 100
    b. Actions: Track Dim: Living Room Light
    c. Restrictions: Enable/Disable with private boolean ON
  4. RM Rule called Living Room Light - Enable & Disable Tracking (enables and disables tracking based on conditions below)
    a. Conditions: (1) Living Room Light on, (2) Dimmer level of Living Room Light >=Living Room Target - 1, (3) Dimmer level of Living Room Light <= Living Room Target + 1, (4) Any of me or my wife is present
    b. Rule: Living Room Light on AND Dimmer level of Living Room Light >=Living Room Target - 1 AND Dimmer level of Living Room Light <= Living Room Target + 1 AND Any of me or my wife is present
    c. Actions for True: Rule Boolean True: Living Room Light - Track Target
    d. Actions for False: Rule Boolean False: Living Room Light - Track Target
  5. RM Trigger called Living Room Light - Enable Tracking (enables tracking when the light is first turned on)
    a. Trigger: Living Room Light is on
    b. Actions: Rule Boolean True: Living Room Light - Track Target
  6. RM Triggered Rule called Living Room Light - Set High (sets light to 100% when turned on during the day, outside of the fade up/down periods)
    a. Trigger: Living Room Light on
    b. Conditions: (1) Time between 6:30AM and Sunset, (2) Time between Sunrise + 30 minutes and Sunset
    c. Rule: Time between 6:30AM and Sunset AND Time between Sunrise + 30 minutes and Sunset
    d. Actions: Dim: Living Room Light: 100
  7. RM Triggered Rule called Living Room Light - Set Low (sets light to 10% when turned on at night, outside of the fade up/down periods)
    a. Trigger: Living Room Light on
    b. Conditions: (1) Time between Sunset + 30 minutes and Sunrise, (2) Time between Sunset + 30 minutes and 6:00AM
    c. Rule: Time between Sunset + 30 minutes and Sunrise AND Time between Sunset + 30 minutes and 6:00AM
    d. Actions: Dim: Living Room Light: 10

I've got the lighting working and I think I can do it with one rule that first sets it at 5, then fades up over 5 min. Perfect and easy!

For the sonos, I can turn it on, but is there a way to fade on? Or is there a way to run multiple commands? So 1) Set Sonos level at 5; 2) Set Play Sonos; 3) Sonos fade over time (or maybe a second rule for that?)

For those interested, they seemed to have cleaned this up and added a feature in the Rule Machine... Pretty darn simple!!


Does the volume for Sonos work well for you? I keep getting an error when I try to increase the volume of the Sonos.

Weird - I don't see a "fade" option.

Fade is not a command in Sonos (as far as I know), only with the dimmers. I gave up on trying to accomplish this awhile ago with the current Sonos handler. If anyone has any suggestions, please share.

I have tried my own enterpretation of this scene, but for some reason lights come on to 100% immediately instead of fading over time.

The bulbs I'm using are Ikea Trรฅdfri GU10 CT bulbs.

Can anyone tell me what I've done wrong?

Pretty sure you need to โ€œset level to 10โ€ as the first step, the rule as it is is just dimming whatever the current level is by 10

I am using the "Set Dimmer level"-function. Should it be switched to "set switches"

The current level should always be 0% as this is only run when the mode is night and the lights are off. Do you mean it adds 10 to whatever the dimmer level was before the lights turned off the night before?

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