Generic Zigbee Contact Sensor in maker API

@support_team got a odd one on maker API

the jason

notice the battery


What does "Current States" on the devcie detail page show?

Same, 100%

Are you sure these are the same device? Do the device IDs match?

I don't see how they can be the same if both screenshots are current, otherwise you'd see this Maker API instance listed as a "Triggered App" with the events in your screenshot.

Unless the app has old naming 100% I removed it and it when for the maker API Jason. then added it again and it returned exactly the same.

The screen shot could have been went I removed it from API to see.

Also I only have 1 zigbee contact sensor.

Something to note though it was a z-wave device and I originally used app swap device to swap everything over.

Can you verify that it appears in the list now (and that the event value still does not appear to be correct)?

Also, while there's no reason the name shouldn't match, I'd still verify by the device ID. You can see it in the URL when you're on the device detail page, and it should match what you see in the Maker API output, 6054 in your case.

all matches correctly.


opened and closed.

Should it not show it trigger the maker API?

That's what I'm thinking (unless it uses some other mechanism--I can check later). Did you hit "Done" in the Maker API app after you authorized this device?

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yes multiple times.

must be, all other working devices don't have it in the events.

you only see it when a event is call from the API

Thinking about this more, there would only be a subscription if you have a POST URL set; otherwise, it doesn't really have a reason to know when any event happens, so no need for a subscription.

As for the output, what specific endpoint is this? I checked /devices/<id> and don't see anything like this, even for devices using the same driver, but maybe you're looking at something else...

Are you asking where I got this ?

Maybe? :slight_smile: I was asking what Maker API URL you were using to get that data, e.g., <hubIP>/devices/<deviceId>, as I was when I was testing.

Just click the get all devices with full details under the URL section in the maker API app.

Just another data point...

Battery reporting seems to work alright for my Generic Zigbee Contact sensors (Lowes Iris v2 contact sensor.)

And here is another Generic Zigbee contact sensor, that looks correct in Maker API as well, even with 100% battery value. I was curious if the problem only occurred at 100%.

Seems to have been fixed in one of the beta releases.

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