I bought these valves on alibaba and there's no manufacturer or model number to speak of. When I try to pair with hubitat I can get position info, open or closed, but I cannot command it. Log shows: dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.428 pm infoINCOMPLETE - DO NOT SUBMIT THIS - TRY AGAIN: fingerprint model:"null", manufacturer:"null", profileId:"A1E0", endpointId:"F2", inClusters:"", outClusters:"0021"
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.425 pm traceApplication: null
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.423 pm infoNOT IMPORTANT: Application ID is missing for the fingerprint. Try again.
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.421 pm traceModel: null
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.419 pm traceManufacturer: null
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.416 pm warnManufacturer name is missing for the fingerprint. Try again.
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.414 pm debugGetting info for Zigbee device...
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.383 pm traceSimple Descriptor Information Received - description:catchall: 0000 8004 00 00 0040 00 4BCF 00 00 0000 00 00 9300CF4B0AF2E0A161000000012100 | parseMap:[raw:catchall: 0000 8004 00 00 0040 00 4BCF 00 00 0000 00 00 9300CF4B0AF2E0A161000000012100, profileId:0000, clusterId:8004, clusterInt:32772, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:4BCF, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[93, 00, CF, 4B, 0A, F2, E0, A1, 61, 00, 00, 00, 01, 21, 00]]
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.292 pm infoINCOMPLETE - DO NOT SUBMIT THIS - TRY AGAIN: fingerprint model:"null", manufacturer:"null", profileId:"0104", endpointId:"F2", inClusters:"null", outClusters:"null"
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.285 pm warnOne or multiple pieces of data needed for the fingerprint is missing, requesting it from the device. If it is a sleepy device you may have to wake it up and run this command again. Run this command again to get the new fingerprint.
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.282 pm traceApplication: null
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.280 pm infoNOT IMPORTANT: Application ID is missing for the fingerprint, requesting it from the device. If it is a sleepy device you may have to wake it up and run this command again. Run this command again to get the new fingerprint.
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.277 pm traceModel: null
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.275 pm traceManufacturer: null
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.262 pm warnManufacturer name is missing for the fingerprint, requesting it from the device. If it is a sleepy device you may have to wake it up and run this command again. Run this command again to get the new fingerprint.
dev:4822022-04-19 06:25:33.259 pm debugGetting info for Zigbee device...
I've tried several different drivers, that capture was using Zigbee - Generic Device Toolbox but I get similar results with other drivers. The valves pair and work with smartthings and an echo plus which identifies the valve as _TZ3000_iedbgyxt smart device.