there is a mac link at the bottom of the original post.
I just wanted to add also that locks work best when using a repeater that supports beaming. And there is NO rhyme or reason as to which repeater your locks will choose, so trying to calculate placement will result in disappointment.
I have 2 aeotec 6 repeaters and an enerwave repeater in my home. The locks are no more than 10 feet from the hub and they are very close in proximity to each other. One bounces off of the old enerwave plug and two off of one of the aeotecs. My z-wave contact sensors bounce off of them too, so I've left them placed. One is 4 feet from the hub, the other is on a wall about 4 feet on the other side of my schlage and the enerwave is off to the side. NOT equally placed. There is no way to tell your device what to repeat through. You just have to place it so that the path looks better than any other one. There isn't a set distance for this, and your goal is to make your locks work. Keep that in mind.