GE Enbrighten Switch Status

I just installed a new GE ZW4009 Enbrighten switch to replace a failed zwave switch. It's working fine. The status is also reported immediately to the hub. I then checked two other GE ZW4009 switches I installed in October of 2020 and the status of these switches are not being updated to the hub. They turn on and off fine (both physically and by digital) but the status does not update. When I hit refresh from hubitat app, the status updates immediately. I am using the same hubitat driver for all three of these switches (GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Switch). I ran zwave repair and this did not help. I attached the debug notes (note that the switch was also turned on and off physically but the hub never received any information from the switch). The two non-reporting switches are inside the house and only ~25 feet from the hubitat with almost straight line of sight. Any ideas?
On a side note .. after diagnosing another failed GE zwave switch yesterday (5 years old - likely the classic capacitor problem) all three of my Yale zwave locks stopped working with hubitat. What the %^$#? Ran zwave repair again and this did not fix it. Starting to rethink the hubitat option. Will try to exclude and rejoin I guess :frowning:

Just wanting to rule out the easy answer .. are you certain the switch says ZWave Plus on the back? Jasco's model numbers are sometimes inconclusive.


I lost two old (2017 era) GE/Jasco a couple weeks ago due to a severe power event. When those switches were broken, but still on the Z-wave mesh, all hell broke loose. It wasn't the hub's fault, it was because these GE were bombarding the network every time they would reboot, which was about every 200 milliseconds. After I got these switches removed, and replaced with new Z-wave devices, it took a couple days for the mesh to calm down.

Note that my hub has been completely stable for more than two years up to that point, it was totally the two switches causing this.

As far as your other issue of status, it could be another dead switch causing excessive traffic. I also would look at what driver each switch paired with.

I would post a picture of your Z-wave Details page in full, maybe someone can spot an issue.

Hi Hal 9000 :slight_smile:

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Oops ... I just noticed that the new switch I installed yesterday is actually a ZW4008 (not a ZW009). Difference is one is a paddle and the other is the toggle. Is it possible that the driver works with one but not the other?

Maybe this will help? Or is their something else that would be better?

Purchase Date Protocol Device Name Device Info Date Code Battery Status Operational Status Driver Notes
Z-wave plus Back Door Aeotec Recessed Door Sensor Gen 5 95 Okay
Nov-19 Z-wave plus Back Door Lock Yale Assure Lock SL, YRD246 Not Working Generic Z-Wave Lock Work fine manually. No longer working with hub 12/16/22
~2016 Z-wave plus Back Yard Lights GE Toggle Switch ZW4003 1719 AC Not working Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch Died 12/16/22 - Probably the capacitor problem, 5 year old switch
Z-wave plus Barn Entry Door Aeotec Recessed Door Sensor Gen 5 90 Not working Not responding - first noted 12/16/22 - stuck in open state. Is magnet too far from sensor when door is closed?
Z-wave plus Barn Lights Inovelli Red Series Switch AC Okay Inovelli Switch Red Series LZW30-SN
Z-wave plus Barn Motion GE Motion Sensor AC Okay Generic Z-Wave Motion Sensor
Z-wave plus Barn Outdoor Lights Inovelli Red Series Switch AC Okay Inovelli Switch Red Series LZW30-SN
Jul-20 Z-wave plus Barn Siren Enbrighten 55256 Z-Wave Plus Smart Receptacle, AC Okay Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch
Z-wave plus Bedroom Deck Light GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Dimmer Okay GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Dimmer
Z-wave plus Deck Family Light GE Toggle Switch ZW4009 Okay Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch
Nov-17 Z-wave plus Dining Room Light ZW3005 GE Dimmer, Generic Z-Wave Smart Dimmer 1732 Not Reporting GE/Jasco Z-Wave Plus Dimmer Switch User driver. Physical on/off work fine. Program on works fine. Program off turns light off, but have to hit off twice for Hubitat status to change to off.
Dec-22 Z-wave plus Driveway lights ZW4008, GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Switch 2208B Okay GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Switch
Z-wave plus Driveway Motion Zooz Outdoor Motion Sensor 100 Okay Zooz Outdoor Motion Sensor
Z-wave plus Entry Light Inovelli Dimmer Red Series LZW31-SN Okay Inovelli Dimmer Red Series LZW31-SN
Sep-19 Z-wave plus Family Room Plug 1 Enbrighten 55256 Z-Wave Plus Smart Receptacle, Okay Generic Zwave plus outlet
Jul-20 Z-wave plus Family Room Plug 2 Enbrighten 55256 Z-Wave Plus Smart Receptacle, Okay Generic Zwave plus outlet
Phillips Fireplace light hueBridgeBulbRGBW Okay hueBridgeBulbRGBW
Nov-17 Z-wave plus Front Door Ecolink DW-ZWAVE2.5-ECO Zwave Door Sensor 100 Okay Generic Z-Wave Contact Sensor
Mar-17 Z-wave plus Front Door Lock Yale Assure Lock SL, YRD246-ZW-619 Not Working Generic Z-Wave Lock Work fine manually. No longer working with hun 12/16/22
Z-wave plus Front Porch Motion GE Zwave Smart Motion Okay Generic Zwave motion sensor
Z-wave plus Garage Door EcoLink Zwave Tilt Sensor 99 Okay Generic Z-Wave Contact Sensor
Oct-20 Z-wave plus Garage Lights GE Toggle Switch ZW4009 2027B Not Reporting GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Switch
Aug-19 Z-wave plus Garage Motion GE Zwave Smart Motion AC Okay Generic Zwave motion sensor
Z-wave plus Garage Motion By Entry Door Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor 100 Okay Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor new replaced battery 12/16/22 - still no connection. LED flashes to indicate movement, but no updates to Hub. Excluded and then rejoined. Previous device name was Garage Motion Internal Door.
Jun-21 Z-wave plus Garage Motion Internal Door 2 Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor 60 Forced removed Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor new 12/17/22 Stopped talking to hub. See new device Garage Motion by Entry door
Z-wave plus Garage Side Light GE Z-Wave Smart Switch Okay Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch
Z-wave plus Generator Outlet GE Z-wave Plus Smart Outlet Okay Generic Zwave plus outlet
? Z-wave plus Guest Bedroom Motion Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor 1 - ?? Okay Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor new replaced battery - reporting motion. Illuminace updates look very slow. New battery reporting only 1
Phillips Hall Light hueBridgeBulbRGBW Okay hueBridgeBulbRGBW
Z-wave plus Hall Switch Inovelli Dimmer Red Series LZW31-SN Okay Inovelli Dimmer Red Series LZW31-SN
Z-wave plus Home Alarm Aeon Siren Not Working Aeon Siren
Home Siren Aeotec Siren Gen5 ZW080-A17 Okay Aeon Siren
Z-wave plus Hot Water Leak Detector Fibaro Flood Sensor Okay Fibaro Flood Sensor
Phillips hueBridge hueBridge Okay hueBridge
Oct-20 Z-wave plus Kitchen Lights GE Toggle Switch ZW4009 2033B Not Reporting GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Switch
Z-wave plus Kitchen Sensor Aeon Multisensor 6 Okay Aeon Multisensor 6
Z-wave plus Master Fan GE Smart Fan Control Okay GE Smart Fan Control
Z-wave plus Master Light GE Z Wave Smart Dimmer Okay GE/Jasco Z-Wave Plus Dimmer Switch User driver. Works fine
Z-wave plus Nightstand Light GE Plug-in Smart Dimmer Okay Generic Z-Wave Smart Dimmer
Nov-17 Z-wave plus Office Heater GE Plug-in Smart Switch ZW4106 Okay Generic Z-Wave Smart Switch
Z-wave plus Office Light GE Z-Wave Smart Dimmer Okay Generic Z-Wave Smart Dimmer
Dec-19 Z-wave plus Office Sensor Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor Okay Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor new
z-wave Plug In Outlet 2 GE On/Off Light and Small Appliance Mod ZW4101 Okay Generic Z-wave Outlet
Jun-21 Z-wave plus Pole Barn Door Zooz Z-Wave Plus S2 MultiRelay ZEN16 Okay Zooz Garage Door
Phillips Porch Light 1 hueBridgeBulbRGBW Okay hueBridgeBulbRGBW
Phillips Porch Light 2 hueBridgeBulbRGBW Okay hueBridgeBulbRGBW
Phillips Porch Light 3 hueBridgeBulbRGBW Okay hueBridgeBulbRGBW
Z-wave plus Refrigerator Motion Dome Motion Sensor Okay Dome Motion Sensor
Sep-22 Z-wave plus RV Barn Light GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Switch Okay GE Enbrighten Z-Wave Smart Switch
Dec-21 Z-wave plus RV Hall Door Lock Yale Assure Lock SL, YRD226-ZW2-BSP Not Working Generic Z-Wave Lock Work fine manually. No longer working with hun 12/16/22
Z-wave plus Side Door Aeotec Recessed Door Sensor Gen 5 100 Not Reporting Not respnding for several months - 12/2022. Thinks it is closed all the time.
Z-wave plus Sink Light Inovelli Dimmer Red Series LZW31-SN Okay Inovelli Dimmer Red Series LZW31-SN
Z-wave plus Sump Pump Floor Fibaro Flood Sensor 45 Okay Fibaro Flood Sensor
Z-wave plus Theator Sensor Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor 100 Okay Zooz 4-in-1 Sensor new
Z-wave plus Work Shop Door EcoLink Zwave Tilt Sensor Okay Generic Z-Wave Contact Sensor

I changed the driver on the ZW4009 switches to "Generic Z-Wave Plus Switch" and they are now reporting fine. Hubitat needs to fix their drivers for GE Enbrighten Switches. Now working on the Yale locks ...


A screenshot of your Z-wave Details page in full.

This, but will ALL devices.

Thanks for sharing this view detail. Unfortunately, this is the closest thing I can find. Doesn't look like what you showed. How do I get your view? And my list of z-wave devices is far too long to capture in a single screen shot. Would probably take many shots.

Which hub do you have? C5?

Unless you have a C7 posting the Z-Wave Details screen shots probably won't be necessary.


The GE switches may have been repeating for the locks, which would cause issues if they disappear. Locks are very dependent on having good beaming repeaters like light switches nearby. Losing those switches likely set off problems w/your mesh/locks.

Unfortunately, Z-Wave repair is not an instantaneous thing. It may take days or more for the Z-Wave devices to get around to finding new/better routing, the repair can help to hurry up that process, but no guarantees on timing/results. An issue of Z-Wave devices generally, not a Hubitat-specific problem.

But completely annoying when things aren't working, particularly locks.

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Normally I would agree that losing a switch could affect the zwave communications. But two of the locks have almost line-of-sight to the hubitat. So I would expect that the hub is in direct communication with these.
All that said, I started the process of excluding and rejoining today (two days after the switch failure) and the first thing I did was to remove these from the lock manager app. As I did this, the locks actually responded. They are all working now. Crazy. So maybe it did take time for things to re-settle. But honestly, given the locks locations, this was counter-intuitive.

Running C5.

You'd think that, but Z-Wave routing is frequently not "logical" in its routing choices. All of us have had Z-Wave routes that make no sense to us, yet work just fine. You really can't assume devices connect directly even when in direct line of sight... :slightly_smiling_face:


Have to agree. The data is consistent with that interpretation. It's just seems weird and is inefficient.

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