GE enbrighten Jasco Z-Wave Motion Switch - motion : inactive

Well, I wouldn't call that simple. Not a lot of people know that restarting the hub doesn't actually reboot the underlying OS or remove power from/reset the radio - nor should they NEED to know that detail, either.

That said, Hubitat is doing a great job squashing the bugs/quirks in the new zwave chip they are using. Having to power down and removing power is not a normal thing to expect, and as new releases come out that need should be squashed entirely.

Device pairings definitely seem to annoy the radio more than many other activities. And in 2.2.3 too much S2 traffic can throw it for a loop too. Both known issues that they are working to resolve ASAP (should be substantial improvements in the very next software release).

I have a blog article describing how to use the GE/Jasco In-Wall motion sensing dimmers/Switches.

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