GE 14284 Enbrighten Z-Wave Plus Smart Outdoor Switch connection help

Does anyone have experience connecting one of these to Hubitat? I have two of these that connected just fine to Wink. I reset them and am following the instructions to connect to Hubitat using the Z-wave discovery button. It seems to find the device but just hangs on the initialization step.

Wonder if there is some special trick to this?

Did you try bringing that plug a little closer to the hub? The only time I seem to have this issue is when the signal is marginal.

And just because the timer quit doesn't mean it won't continue to include according to what I have observed. I have had a device here or there that takes seconds to maybe a minute after the timer ran out to finalize.

I tried bringing it inside. Let me try bringing it closer to the hub. Like right next to it.

It would hang on the initializing step but never seem to add the device to the device list - i checked with a different browser.

So I brought it right next to the Hub. Still same problem - it finds the Z-wave device and hangs on the initializing step long after the device discovery has gone to zero.

I don't have this device, but something similar happened to me with something else. Does it pair with all security boxes unchecked?

Sorry for the dumb question, what do you mean by "security boxes?"

I looked up the manual. It refers to security, whether authenticated S2 or not. So, I figured security boxes popped up and you accepted the boxes already checked by default. I was suggesting setting security to none. But, I guess that's not the problem if you don't get the boxes.

Yeah I wasn't prompted to enter any security code.

But, were there any check boxes related to security? With my problem, it hung up after that point in the inclusion process.

NO, none... i assume they would have appeared in the App screen add devices dialog, right?

It'd be during the discovery/inclusion process, which it sounds like it failed.
Before you try again, did you try to exclude first? On the settings/z-wave details page, the new device is on the bottom of the default sort. If it failed, you might see it, and then would have to exclude to get rid of it.

No but I did reset it. I did check the device list - it wasn't there. Was looking for an unnamed device or something similar.

It wouldn't be on the device list if you had a failed inclusion, but it could be on that details page.

I've been installing a lot of stuff lately, mostly switches, even though I'm a noob.

What Hub are you trying to include it to? C7 will try to include using S2, C5 and prior won't.

Hardware Version Rev-C5 according to the settings.

What is S2?

So if this means I have a C5, does it mean I need to do this differently?

I have this outdoor outlet working on my C5. It is connected as a "Generic Zwave Outlet". I had no problem connecting it, but from your post it looks like you are.
I would first exclude the device before I try to include it.

To exclude the device go to the zwave details page found under settings:

Once on the zwave details page, click on Z-Wave Exclude:

When the hub enters exclude mode, make sure your GE outlet is plugged in and then press the button on your GE outlet. After performing an exclude, go back to the devices page and try again to do a Z-Wave inclusion.

When your hub is in exclusion mode, make sure you don't physically push any switches or buttons on any other zwave device in your house. I once had my hub in exclusion mode and my wife accidentally excluded a light switch she went to turn on.

OK everyone, thanks for your help. I think what finally fixed it is literally putting the outlet in physical contact with the hub, not even 6 inches away, but in contact. Now I've gotten the pair.

They are both using "generic Z-wave outlet" driver. Is that the right one?

"Generic Z-Wave Outlet" works for me. There is not much to this device, basically the hub tells it to turn on or turn off.

There is a general rule to always pair devices in the location they will operate. Z-wave is a mesh network, so if you move the device outside, I would let the mesh settle down for a day or two and then run a zwave repair.

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There is a nuance to this - that is true only if the devices in your mesh support Network Wide Inclusion (NWI). If you are pairing an older non-plus device, or you have a lot of non-plus devices that don't support NWI on your mesh, you may have to pair close to the hub, move to its final location, then do a repair.


Yeah, that was my understanding too. Good advice on the repair thing, I'll do that tomorrow.