Gate opener relay

So I have my gate setup on a zooz relay box. I have it going to where it will trigger the gate opening,
(with repeater to get signal out to gate)

it is wired into the same wires as my doorbell switch. It is a dry contact relay (from my understanding) i hit button the relay turns on. gate opens.

The issues I am having:
Once gate is opening the relay stays on so to stop it I have to turn relay back off then hit button again. I also want to have a routine where it hits relay on, turns it right back off.... waits a few seconds then turns on and off again.
(this would open gate and leave it open) I am guessing I am am ready to write some sort of code.
New to Hubitat, but I have 3 devices setup so far.
Please advise my next step

Some versions of the Zen firmware have an option to automatically turn it off. (I have a Zen16 with the latest firmware that does have it.)

There are a few options to turn it off when it turns on. You could do this with Basic Rules Rule Machine or Simple lightning, by having it issue an off command, triggered by the on command.

In Basic Rules, this would look like this:

If you want it to turn on/off again, you can select โ€œAdd Wait until โ€ฆโ€ and select the delay, then issue a second on/off command.


ah ok. I think i get it. so this is done with rules not straight code. i have gotten it to respond. thank you sir


Yes, there are a few built-in rule engins. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Simple Automation Rules was an early rule engine.
  • Basic Rules is nice and simple and the latest addition.
  • Rule Machine is the most powerful one. It takes a bit longer to learn, but can do a lot.

There is a very active community that will be happy to help out if you have issues setting up a rule. Just post a screenshot of what you have done up to the point where you get stuck, and explain what you are trying to achieve. (Note that posting screenshots is disabled for new users for a bit, but does get enabled after a few interactions.)

Welcome to the community!


Welcome to the community!

Have a look at this thread for inspiration, it's for garage door openers, but mostly the same open/close functions.


lots to learn, excited. Thanks. I think this is the same relay I have too.