Gas sensors and HSM

Is there a way to integrate gas sensors like the Heiman ZigBee Gas Sensor into HSM? I tried setting a custom rule but there is no category for gas sensors.

In fact, I'm not even sure how I can write a Rule for it... What category device would these fall into?

I had that exact problem.
I created a Virtual Smoke Detector called "(Fire) Kitchen Gas Alarm (Virtual) " and then tied the gas alarm to it with the following rule:

The Gas Detector is included in the rule as a Custom Attribute - then select gas from the dropdown menu, set comparison to "equals" and then the values need to be
and test

Then just include the virtual device in HSM. The tie between the real & virtual devices works nicely - just this week the gas alarm went off (reducing red wine in a pan set it off!!) and the virtual device triggered HSM.

Awesome thanks.

I see people have been requesting this in HSM since 2019... There must be a really good reason why they haven't added it.

Probably a question for @bravenel. Usually when they don't do something it's for good reason.

Just haven't gotten around to it. Will add it for the next release.


I have my own driver that alerts fire. Or you can write a rule that looks for the custom attribute gas.


is this in next release.. nice

tried to modify driver with capablity "gasDetector" or "gas Detector" as outlined here but will not saves sys invalid capablity.

    `capability "Gas Detector"`

thanks my bad. forgot about case.. driver updated with gas dector as well as smoke capability and new attribute naturalGas is set.

thanks updated this driver and my ecowitt driver for the new capabilities but noticed they are mot available on the dashboard.. are these new capabilities going to be added there in the near future. as well as i see you are adding them to shm?

when you do add the dashvboard tile for aqi if you could integrate a built in color something like this that would be great thanks.

if (aqi < 51) { danger = "Good"; color = "3ea72d"; }
else if (aqi < 101) { danger = "Moderate"; color = "fff300"; }
else if (aqi < 151) { danger = "Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups"; color = "f18b00"; }
else if (aqi < 201) { danger = "Unhealthy"; color = "e53210"; }
else if (aqi < 301) { danger = "Very Unhealthy"; color = "b567a4"; }
else if (aqi < 401) { danger = "Hazardous"; color = "7e0023"; }
else { danger = "Hazardous"; color = "7e0023"; }

@bravenel, I noticed there is no corresponding dashboard tile for Gas, nor is there a virtual gas device. Would this be straightforward to fix? Recognizing the list is no doubt longโ€ฆ.

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