Gas Dryer

I deceided to add a ST outlet to my dryer and it reads power. I set the below rule to send an announcement to the google homes thru out the house. However, my rule is not working and I am not sure what I am missing.

I could be misunderstanding your condition, but the way you have it, isnā€™t it saying the following?

The rule is true if the power level of the dryer is greater than dryer plus five watts. But itā€™s the same outlet in both parts of the condition.

That rule will never be true. I think you need to fix your condition. You can share the condition screen of the rule to help clarify further.

For our washer, I just recorded the power of it while resting, added a few to it and then the rule is power < that number.

I think this fixed it. I didn't realize it was less than the power of the dryer when it is on. Thanks for the help!!!

With many conditions you can flip a toggle switch ā€œrelative to another device.ā€ It sounds like thatā€™s what you did there, which was causing your problem?

I think i chose to flip the switch. It is not to spelled out for a newbie.
