FYI - Ring is having issues today, being worked on

Looks like AWS east 1 is having issues affecting many services...

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Keep thinking about switching to completely local cameras...but I have five ring cams and a a doorbell and just too lazy to face the hassle of taking them out, selling them, and replacing w/local cams, and re-training the wife to deal w/something new. :frowning: (That last item is the most daunting by far...) :wink:

Arlo has a local storage option... USB stick... maybe ring has something similar?

I am facing the same situation but WAF not really an issue. In my case I ripped out all my consumer-grade network gear a few months ago and went with Unifi. They have a nice NVR solution and PoE cameras. But the thought of wiring 10 of them in a 130 year old house is just daunting, I might start with the most critical and go from there.

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I recently did this. Took out my 3 ring cameras and all of my wyze stuff and replaced it all with BlueIris and cameras that have local RTSP feeds. Ya its a bit more complicated of a setup but I can do so much more.

Camera images on the dashboards, lots of control of motion detection and integration into HE. When somebody rings the doorbell it shows up in a box on all of the active TV's (WAF is high with that one). I also have all of the cameras recording 24/7 while at the same time still sending me notifications and clips when motion is detected. Took a while but works really well.

I just got fed up with the closed ecosystems.

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Yeah, the main issue is I need a month with the wife away to get it set up, work out the kinks and my goofs, etc. Anyone need a temp roomie for a month? She can cook like there's no tomorrow, and makes a Director's salary. Quite a package! :wink:


Does she have your bread and pastry recipes?

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But your wife is an excellent QA resource! Almost as good as automated regression testing.


She has delegated that to her staff (moi) and is not involved.

OMG so true...she could trip a failure based on a misplaced bracket in 5,000 lines of code at 30 paces.

When I was still working w/SW dev teams I would actually bring things home (mobile apps, mostly) for her to break. Like watching a bear tear apart a dumpster. :smiley:


Today was blueberry jam day...made some stocking stuffers for my wife to hand out.

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How is she with sourdough? I could use some pointers.

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I'm actually the sourdough wizard...much less cuter, much less huggable, but I make up for it with my star baker qualities. :wink:

If you (or anybody) wants some sourdough input, I'm no wizard but can share what I have learned - feel free to PM.