Fully kiosk broswer with HE on Fire tablet

Anyone using FUlly Kiosk Browser with HE? I just set it up after watching a video on my fire tablet. In the video, they set it up with sharptools and it looks awesome,

I'm not sure if I did something wrong or if HE just wouldn't work. I would hate to have to pay for sharptools or action tiles

the 1st pic I did vertical and when I placed it horizontally I had to scroll down to get the bottom half, in the video, I watched this person had a 7-inch fire tab and his sharptools had more tiles but they fit

Can't use Action Tiles with Hubitat unless you sync all your devices to ST first.

Do you have the tiles hard-coded for their height and width? If so, they are not going to be displayed in one screen, you are going to have to scroll. That said, in fully kiosk, you have to enable the scroll bars. Otherwise they don't display.

This is how mine is setup on a Kindle HD 8 with Fully Kiosk Browser.

how do you do full kiosk on android ?

Yes I can scroll, I just didn't want to, I can make some adjustments, but when I watched the video with the guy, everything just resized to fit the screen so I thought HE should have done the same or I missed a step.

Do you have to scroll or did it adjust everything for you to fit the screen? BTW how did you get the weather app? that's the next thing I'm going to look into adding.

Download it from the play store.

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Then you have to set your dashboard to auto-size the tiles by removing the size. You can't manually set the size and have it auto-size. Only one or the other.

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You're a GENIUS! doing the auto size for the height fixed it, but I had to change the width to 198 to make it fit

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How did you get rid of the header and footer on yours? If you look at mines it shows "Dashboards" at the top and "Location and the terms of service, documentation etc" I can't figure out how to get ride of that.fullykios

Full screen mode in Fully Kiosk.

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thanks found it