Frustration with Hubitat Elevation - LED Controller Won't Function

Hi everyone,

It's been nearly a month since I started experimenting with Hubitat. After numerous setbacks and feelings of discouragement trying to connect my Gledopto controller (you can see the whole thread here: Gledopto drivers not working? - #6 by kkossev ), I decided to play it safe by ordering the Sunricher SR-ZG1029-5C, which I found on Hubitat's compatibility list. I thought everything would be smooth sailing from here.

When connecting other controllers, I noticed that each time I connected a color cable separately, I could see the LEDs light up with that color. For example, if only the red cable was connected, I could see red; if it was green, then green, and so on. However, the problem arose when all cables were connected simultaneously.

As you can see in this picture

I have a button to switch the controller on and off, allowing me to use it manually or via the hub. I successfully paired the controller, but I can't see any LED lights turning on. Even when I try the cables one by one, nothing happens. However, when I factory reset the controller (5 times on/off), I can see the controller's red light indicating that the factory reset is successful, but the lights don't turn on and off as they should.

The driver I'm using is "Advanced Zigbee RGBW Bulb," and everything seems to be configured correctly, but still, no lights.

I even tried combining the two buttons in the 1 and 2 positions as shown in the diagram for RGBW LED lights.

My only guess as to why it won't turn on is because my LED lights are RGB and not RGBW. But isn't this controller supposed to be 4-in-1 and support all RGB LED lights?

Thank you so much for your help. I'm really confused and starting to feel frustrated with Hubitat. I thought everything would be easy, but it's proving to be incredibly complicated and difficult.
Hoping to find a solution
All the best

RGBW means 4 LEDs in a strip (Red, Green, Blue, Wight). RGB strip has only 3 LEDs.
This is absolutely not a problem.
From your picture above it looks like you did not connect COMMON strip wire to the PLUS controller's terminal. And this is your problem. Please correct wiring and everything should be OK.


@vitaliy_kh, you won't believe me if I tell you, but I had the common strip connected to the plus. And since it did not work, I thought I would give a try to find other combinations in case it worked. I took the photo after having tried everything.

I just changed the wire, and it works now. But I do not understand why it did not work when I mounted it in the beginning. And why each cable did not work separately, as mentioned above.

For the moment, I have only white and green, but I will try to use the app and see if it gives me the rest of the colors.

Thanks so much for your quick reply!! :blush:

I've checked again, and the problem persists. Right now, I can only get white light. I added a color bulb to my dashboard, hoping to quickly change the colors, but nothing seems to be changing. It appears that it's only producing various shades of white with all combinations. Any ideas on how to fix this?

Your strip is RGB LEDs only, there is no White LED. By "only get white light" do you mean all 3 LEDs are ON? If "yes" than wiring is correct and something is not right with driver/app.
But this is different story. And controller must be in RGB mode, not CT mode.

Yes exactly I mean a kind of white.
I just gave it a test
I just let worked the common +
Then I tried with each wire separated and it gives the right colour (red, green and blue)

When put all together it gives me this kind of white colour. Whatever changes I try to make it won't change the colour.

Any ideas ?
You mean that by RGB mode ?

Thanks again so much for your help :pray:

@vitaliy_kh I think I may have stumbled upon a solution. Previously, when I tried changing the color, nothing happened. So, I decided to toggle the physical switch off and then on again. Surprisingly, when I turned it back on, the color changed to blue, which was the color I initially tried to set before turning it off. Then, I experimented by selecting different colors, toggling the switch off and on again each time. Strangely, after doing this several times, the color started changing without needing to toggle the switch anymore. It's as if the process of toggling the switch somehow unstuck it and now it's working smoothly. Any thoughts on what might have caused this?

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This is correct because controller is in the CT mode which means all 3 LEDs are turned ON.
Of course if you use only "+" and whatever else wires you will see a single correspondent color. DIP Switch setting seems to be set correctly into RGBW mode. So, it looks like wiring and DIP Switch setting are correct. Now the question is to find a correct driver and set it right. I cannot help you with this because I don't have this controller and I have no idea what driver should/must be used. But clearly at this point you current problem is not electrical.

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I am no expert on these LED strip controllers... However, if your LED strip ONLY has RGB LEDs, and is not RGBW, then I believe the DIP switches on your controller are configured incorrectly.

Should be using

Also, the Hubitat Driver you should be using is "Advanced RGB Bulb" or the "Generic Zigbee RGB Light", as your LED strip does not have the White LEDs.


Thanks so much for your help and explanation, @vitaliy_kh. You might have overlooked my previous answer. It works perfectly! :pray::pray::pray: Thanks so much for your help.

Thanks for your help @ogiewon :pray:
I don't know how but it works fine now (I wrote what I dit in my previous answer marked as solution).

I will leave everything as it is and if the behaviour will change, I am going to do what you proposing. Thanks so much :pray: