Frontend framework on dashboard

I ordered Hubitat a few days ago so i haven't received mine yet. I just started doing some reading on this forum but I couldn't find anything about what framework dashboard is using for it frontend.

I am a frontend developer and I developed in both Zurb Foundation and Bootstrap framework and I been reading that default dashboard still need lot of work.

Is the dashboard layout customizable and is there any document online?

thank you

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Welcome to the community! The only official customization is CSS, you can get JS injected though a driver I wrote, and through other ways no one has published yet. @spelcheck does nice work customizing the Dashboard. Put together you can do basically what you want with the Dashboard today, but it requires time and is not user friendly if you want to do some serious custom work.


Thank for the head up. I hope they do reconsider and open up access to their frontend code to allow us frontend developer create customization or at least add a templating feature to the Hubatit where we can develop template to change the layout without having to have access to the core code which still can be protected.

Don't we all, until then, we have this, with what is available now, you can do whatever you want, just not easily.
I really don't think we'll ever see it fully open though, but just having an official way to add JS and also that they add ID tags and class tags to give more fine-grained control when using CSS would be a great next step. Being able to easily host JS, CSS and image files on the hub would make it even easier. Since they will basically never say that something is being worked on until they release it, I guess we will know when it is ready.

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There is also sharptools that you can use as a HE frontend if you wanted to look at that ( I realise you want to write your own, but its an alternative )


sharptools is cloud based unless I'm mistaken, or can it be run 100% offline? Living where I do cloud just doesn't work... But for those that can/want to use that, it looks really nice!

Thanks for head up on this .. I will look into this tool.

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Yes, there's a cloud component for communication. Once the web app is loaded, it runs in your browser, but event updates require an active network connection.

@techbill I know this is a very old thread, but I too have been using Hubitat and SharpTools for quite some time and I'm fine with it, however I'd love to be able to do different styling and layouts and such that just aren't available at this time. For example Home Assistant dashboards have grid layouts where you can create multiple buttons in a section and I just can't do that with SharpTools.

If you're still interested in doing something, we could do some kind of collab on this maybe...?


If you have some HTML / JS skills, don't forget that you can use Custom Tiles in SharpTools to build whatever tile layout you'd like. I've seen people use this for things like Weather Layouts to custom integrations.

There's also Super Tiles if you want something that's a bit more drag-and-drop. It doesn't have the deep developer customizations that Custom Tiles do, but I've seen people using it for a wide variety of things like custom device layouts to custom floorplans.

The following article compares some of the tile options and might be relevant to you: