From a installers prospective

We don't deserve this guy. I'll be so sad to enjoy watching him go.


let me guess mac users right lol

Commodore 64 here........that is literally how simple Hubitat is to operate

Thats about right 1 for on 0 for off

wait 000000000000000000000 for off cause it disconnected

did you have any non-troll replies ?
If you have made your decision, why waste anymore of your time.

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You could have drastically reduced that diatribe above by simply saying.

I was advised Hubitat may or may not have issues with webcore, I chose to do it anyway, it had issues, now it's Hubitat's fault because I knew better.

The end.

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do you read I ran rules engine and the light motion engine?

to help others not waste their time.

you've wasted a week, i've been walking through this for 4 months. Difference is I was willing to learn how - over time - to get my system to work. You just wanted a cheap ST to jam your rules down and to onsell to your clients.
Fact is, HE isn't your platform for that. You've not taken the time, or asked any questions. And now trolling to pass the time.
Have fun!

Yes I read fine which is why I don't have issues. You however did not.

Follow these procedures when discovering your Z-Wave devices, to establish a strong mesh:

For less than 20 Z-Wave Devices

  1. Include (discover) your Z-Wave repeating devices one at a time, starting with the repeating device closest to your hub and moving outward. A Z-Wave repeating device is generally any device that is plugged into an outlet (“mains-powered”).
  2. Discover your battery powered Z-Wave devices.
  3. Let your hub run without any automations for 2-4 hours. This allows the mesh to establish itself.
  4. Run a Z-Wave repair utility (Settings > Z-Wave information > Repair Z-Wave).

For 20-80 Z-Wave Devices

It is strongly recommended that you add no more than 20 Z-Wave devices at one time. If you need to add more, then plan of adding them in groups of 20 devices or less. Follow steps 1-4 above for each group. IT is best not to add any automations between adding groups of devices. But if you must start automating devices before adding your next group, you will need to wait 3 days to allow the mesh to settle.

For 80+ Z-Wave Devices

Follow the procedures above to add your first 80 devices. After adding your 4th group of 20, stop adding devices and do not build any automations for 3 days. This will establish a strong Z-Wave mesh that is required to support such a system. After the 3-day break-in period, you can add 20 more devices per day, again following steps 1-4 for each group. Wait at least 8 hours between adding each group of 20.

Once you have added all of your Z-Wave devices, wait 3 days for the mesh to settle.

I was going to respond to "I appreciate what you have done this far but I really think you need to refocus on the big picture. " but I just saw Bruce essentially said what I was going to say. Right now, aside from building the entire thing myself, I think Hubitat is the only platform out there that has the performance of a well-built local Linux box and the releases are actually good releases that in my experience fix problems and don't introduce more problems than they solve. It takes time to build a product that works, and right now the key point is it works. I have monkeyed way too much with Hubitat in the past month instead of doing the Real Work (TM) I should be doing, and I actually don't have any stability complaints or logic implementation complaints. How many times has that happened, with anything? Ans: hardly any at all. They are getting the core right, and in my opinion that is worth paying for. Obviously they could polish up the interface and make it faster to code and nicer realtime plots etc. E.g. I have already posted a few times that I wish I could get a CL to copy/paste text-based logic and write it outside of their environment. But the fact I don't have a laundry list of complaints, something I am really good at building, says to me they /are/ on the right track and I think they got the 'Big Picture' more correct than others out there. In a few years, I think this will be the leading platform for people that understand how to do things, including installers and DIY'ers. As of now I doubt they make any real $ on it, they are getting things set up to grow correctly. Correct growth is incredibly important, because once momentum starts to build it is extremely difficult to redirect course if the core is not validated first.

My opinions here are just based off a month of observation with no inside knowledge at all. I have gone through a few products and have seen some make it and some not. Based on what I have seen, I think these guys have probably seen what makes a product work and are trying to do it right.

Edit: And, I sincerely ask, what is the 'Best' platform for your use cases as an installer? I just use it at my house for fun doing temp and lighting control and monitoring some door/window sensors. And I happen to strongly dislike just about every other home automation product out there.

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That's the perfect response Thank you. Your absolutely right if you would like to spend more money for a product that doesn't work out of the box then a product that does buy hubitat I totally agree!

Thats great mine are zigbee thanks for your input

The concept is the exact same on waiting before creating automations which you did not. How to Build a Solid Zigbee Mesh - Hubitat Documentation

Where did I say anything about money?
Mine did work out of the box..
Like your experience with HE, too impatient and not willing to learn/listen.

OK so educate me. Let me know the next steps and let me know where I went wrong and I will retract everything that was said. Just keep in mind my mesh network never let me down in the past it was only when I setup hubitant and gave it ample time to regenerate. Also it worked perfectly on day one. I have done this numerous times let me know what additional steps are needed for hubitat.

im not interested in changing your mind about HE, but I am interested in helping people, like I was helped when Ive had issues.

OK Thanks for your input its appreciated

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