For those using wireless tags

here are my drivers with updates for hubitat.. ie removed smarthings crap, and specifically just got the new leak tags working..

I use these tags in places where i dont have or dont want to install a full hub ie hubitat.
Like our rental condos..

The leak tags are new and only report humidity percent so I modified the driver to also set/report wet/dry based on the humidity percent.. the sensors will report 25 50 75 or 100 depending on how many of the corners are wet.

I added a user defined humidity level (default 75) to trigger the wet/dry transition.

also added a little debugging and other attributes..

credit goes to swanny for writing the original app and drivers for smartthings..

new sensor


Thanks. I see the Hubitat driver I've installed which I got from @b_h Taking pledges and looking for someone willing to get Wireless Sensor Tags working on Hubitat - #30 by b_h . Did you see that one?

I'm trying to get my Wireless Tag PIR and Humidity sensor to trigger some lights, I think I'd like it to call a local URL instead of a cloud URL. Do you have any of the PIR sensors?

no i dont have any of those.. obviously i am running my own drivers.. have you tried them with that sensor?

new version ...

Figured out how to add motion, motionArmed to the multi sensor tag. still havent figured out how the pir tag reports motion..

New version of app and all drivers.
Also, i never posted the multi sensor driver,, does motion, humidity and temp. etc..

Also added signaldbm as attribute so it sticks on the dashboards and can be checked in rules.

total rewrite of app and new motion tag driver for wireless pir motion..

make sure you resave your tag list in the app to get the callbacks generated,

motion and water activations/deactivations are now instant using the wireless tag callback methodology..