Fixed ! Not getting getting notifications

I’m in North America, have a C-8. Newest Apple App - on iPad and 2 iPhones. Not getting notifications, even when running a test. In Hubitat it logs the notification but they’re not going out into the world. Noticed this behavior the last couple weeks. All other automations work. Using current Hubitat firmware as of 18 Jul 2024. Have rebooted. No firewalls on my network either.

Log out of the app on your phone, on hubitat delete your phone(s)

Re log back in on your phone app and create the device.

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Take note that many times, just logging out of the app on the phone and logging back in will resolve the issue without having to delete and create the phone device on Hubitat

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Fixed! Thank you!


Curious - did you need to delete and created the phone device for it to work?

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Logout/Login on the device did it. So, no need to delete the device from the Hub.