Hey There Hubitatians (is that a thing?)
I have been searching, and I hope I have ended up at the right place.
I have been interested in HA for a long time, I used to run a Rpi with ninja home automation (it had a 433mhz cape that sat ontop of the pi) - a local startup here is Aus. They went for a big hardware release but went under.
I have been keeping my eye on the Athom Homey - which looks to be the dream the ninja team had back in the day, but for $600AUD thats a really big investment.
Currently I am at the edge of where my Echos can take me, as they are great at doing my bidding, but have no brain to control their surroundings.
A mate of mine has a vera plus and recently upgraded to smartthings, which i've also been looking at, but my fear is that 1. they will turn into a singular device ecosystem (only samsung products / webcore driven sideload machine) 2. they haven't really brought alot of their devices/add-ons to aus and seem to be testing our market. He has lent me his vera, but my gosh the interface is a disaster and he upgraded to ST because he said they dont actively update the vera enough for him.
Ultimately I do want a rule engine, that can declutter the amassed hubs I seem to be collecting to control my house to one spot with marginal input from my family.
My current question which I had keeping me up last night, can the rule engine with Hubitat adjust the brightness within the rule / command. Eg - Alexa end the day >turn everything off but the bedroom lights off > set the bedroom lights to 10%. Alexa its bed time > turn the bedroom lights off. Now the saved state (off state) is the bedroom lights are set to 10% (alexa cant control the percentage state in the app to control with a routine). The next day when I turn the lights on, they are at 10%, but its getting dark they need to be at 100%.
Can I work around with this hubitat, when sunrise comes around and my Wife says - Alexa turn on night mode (I have no routine setup to do this with alexa) can the lights be turned on, and set to 100% brightness ?
I have other questions, but this is the burning one right now.
Yeah - that's probably better lol.
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You can expose virtual switches to Alexa then set a routine to turn on that switch.
At that point you can do anything.
Virtual switches have a setting to auto reset or the routine can reset it.
How would that look ?
Alexa start night mode > turn on all lights > turn on virtual switch (virtual switch = set bedroom lights to 100%)
Alexa's first action should be to turn on a virtual switch. Rule Machine would see this switch turning true and do whatever action you want. All lights bedroom lights it's up to you.