First Alert Z Wave Battery-powered 3-Volt Photoelectric Sensor Smoke Detector - YMMV In-Store Only $7.99

Z Wave Sensor Smoke Detector at Lowe's for $7.99

Paired it with HE fine but it does say it has a CO detector when it does not.
lastBatteryReport seems weird too.

Create Time 2019-08-17 10:45:31 PM CDT
Last Update Time 2019-08-17 10:47:01 PM CDT
Last Activity At 2019-08-17 10:46:19 PM CDT
  • deviceType: 1
  • inClusters: 0x20,0x80,0x70,0x85,0x71,0x72,0x86
  • deviceId: 1
  • MSR: 0138-0001-0001
  • manufacturer: 312|

I believe is a timestamp but looks fine to me.

CO is carbon Monoxide NOT Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Nice find wish they had a wire powered version that was Z-Wave,

My Lowe’s couldn’t find the few their system says they have, which doesn’t surprise me; their inventory is a mess. They had a whole pallet of pavers they couldn’t find for me once...
Anyone buy any extras? I’ll buy a couple off you :slight_smile: