Fire TV 4K - Is it possible to be integrated to Hubitat?

Hi guys!

Yea, I know the obvious answer is a big NO, once the Fire TV Sticks are controlled by Bluetooth. I already use a Logitech Harmony Touch with a hub, which allows the basic control - except the use of the four dedicated buttons, my main interest.

Searching for solutions, I found apps that lets you control your device with your mobile as long as they are connected to the same network.

Well, if Iยดm not wrong this makes it assume that there is some kind of control of this kind of device through ip. And if it is controllable via IP, is there any way to control it through Hubitat, developing a driver, perhaps?

You can use Echo Speaks. You can use it to send voice commands to it through HE.


Theoretically it COULD be possible.

Here is a link to some python coding someone made (not recently) for using a Fire TV Stick over the ADB interface (Android Debug Bridge) via http.

There WAS one mentioned for HA... but that link led to a 404... (found the initial information here:
Amazon Fire TV - Control API? โ€” HARMAN Professional Forums).

I did a search on HA and there appear to be some methods for sending notifications TO the Fire TV (to display on the screen) so maybe there is some code somewhere behind that...


Thanks a lot, @snell. It is a start point!

Hi @terminal3! I already use Echo Speaks, but I would like to be able to send commands through RM to use it in automations, by example, to open a specific app contained in the Fire TV. I already do that trough Logitech Harmony hub, but I don't want to be dependent of a discontinued device...

Using @snell's suggestion + Hubitat Integration via HACS might get you what you want. The trick is going to be setting up some virtual switches in HE.

Note: there is also the HA Bridge which goes the other way - exposing HA devices to HE but that might be a bit trickier.

If there is a command you can speak to do what you want then you can send it that command via echo speaks using voiceCmdAsText


Guys, thanks a lot to everyone that tried to help!

I'll try the solution indicated by @terminal3 not only for the simplicity of implementation but because I believe it will meet my need. Thanks @terminal3, I hadn't thought about that approach.

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