Afternoon, I've got an old c5 device which functions well bar the zwave function which has died. I've decided to put this in the garage and use it as an alarm, currently have a sensor for detection and a button to turn on and off. However the zwave siren i have cant be used. Does any one use a zigbee fire alarm which works with he that it can turn on as an alarm and also beep on entry? i'm based in the UK
***not looking to use the smoke detection function for life saving, as there's hard wired in there already but would be a nice to have option.
If you need to buy a new device anyway, have you looked into replacing the z-wave USB stick to continue using the siren you already have?
In the US at least, it would not be possible to find a device like this, AFAIK. Smart smoke and CO detectors canβt be configured to alert for anything besides what they are designed to detect, ie smoke and/or CO. I would be surprised if there are devices that can do this in the UK.