Finding my created rules

hi. I'm brand new to this level of automation, so sorry this is a very basic question

I'm creating rules in the Basic Rules app. I've created the rule, and hit "done"... and then the rule still doesn't exist anywhere? Where am I supposed to see my rules after I've made them? And... because I feel like i've looked anywhere that makes sense and don't see my rules, I assume the problem is that they didn't save... what additional step am i missing?

Pretend "Button Controllers" says "Basic Rules" in my picture below...

When you look at your "Apps" page, is the circled arrow there next to Basic Rules pointing right or pointing down?

If pointing right, just click it.

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 19.17.40


okay, so when I do that, it goes to a page that has a big button that says "create new basic rule" which is what I clicked in the first place to create the rule earlier.

oooohhhh I see! WOW I must be tired! thank you so much!


Glad that was it - welcome to the community!