Avatto has a new version of this this model, ZWT100-BH-3A TS0601 _TZE204_lzriup1j.
The new driver@kkossev is working on is not yet fully adapted for the new version.
In the mean time @amithalp has modified the driver of this post created by @kkossev to fit his needs for the new version of the device, we can find it here:
Maybe it can help us in the meantime
Thx @amithalp
@amithalp I did some testing with the driver, nice, but unfortunately I can not use it as it is.
You did a nice thing when turning de device OFF, When OFF, the device room temp stays visible, I can see the benefits for that, did not know that was possible, but the issue with that is, all my other thermostats are the old version where this function is not available and I prefer some uniformity for al my thermostats.
I guess when stripping the driver, you stripped Force Manual Mode to. The plan was to use rule machine to set the mode always to Heat when changed to Auto, but you striped Auto from the mode too , so it is not possible to use RM to keep it on Heat.
That was my first conclusion too, but when I load the new @kkossev driver the screen is complete dark when the device is OFF, or maybe it is a setting that comes with the driver?
Yes, It is indeed a new feature of the device but I think the reason of the issue is the frost protection, could it be you sent always an ON (frost protection) when save the preferences?
When I go in the device and set the frost protection to off, the display is full dark when turning off, when I save the preferences the frost protection becomes ON an the display is not full dark when turning OFF.
I was hoping adding Auto here the problem was solved (I see now Auto in Supported Thermostat Modes) but this was to good te be true LOL
The problem is when set the device by hand tot auto, in hubitat the auto is coming IN, after 2 seconds it is Heat again in the Hubitat device but the thermostats stays on Auto
Hi @BrunoVoeten ,
I started looking at my version for the driver as promised a couple of days ago but did not complete investigating and did not want to return with partial answers.
But, I could find out the thermostatMode issue - it seems like in this version there are only 2 modes available -"heat" and "off". It does make sense to me as this thermostat was meant for underfloor water heating systems. I am actually not sure what "auto" will be used for in this scenario.
The documentation i found shows: 'system_mode', tuya.valueConverterBasic.lookup({'heat': true, 'off': false})
I still do not have answers for the "device room temp stays visible" and the "Force manual mode" issues and I will try and figure it out soon
I am fairly certain that this is due to the frost protection. If I remove this piece of code, the frost protection remains off when saving the settings with the result the display is completely off when the thermostat is off.