Fibaro Single Switch 2 FGS-213 in Momentary mode


Just got my hub and I am trying to switch over from smartthings device by device.

I have a number of Fibaro FGS-213 pucks, and I am struggling to get them working as I want.

I have used the device successfully with the smartthings hub v2, using the driver written by Eric Maycock.

Now, for Hubitat Elevation (Rev C4) - EU version, I have tried both the official "Fibaro Switch", and the custom driver written by Eric Maycock (Hubitat/fibaro-single-switch-2-fgs-213.groovy at master · erocm123/Hubitat · GitHub). Both seem broken, they are unable to set parameters. The log says it has been configured, but no parameter actually changes value from the default. For the custom driver, I get the message "Current value of parameter x is unknown" for all parameters the device have, no matter how many times i save params and click configure.
This problem I have circumvented by using the "Basic Z-Wave tool" driver and just set parameter 20 to 0 (Momentary switch mode), this worked just fine.

Now, after using the Basic Z-Wave tool, and switching back to the Fibaro Switch driver, the physical button (configured with a spring return) works as expected, momentary, and will toggle each time its pressed.
If I use the official Fibaro Switch driver, the device page is unable to detect on/off state, it thinks the device is on all the time, the On/Off buttons however seem to be working just fine. The custom driver doesnt work at all, nothing happens when pressing the buttons.

For the dashboard however, if I add a switch, it fail to detect state, and if i click it it just turns into an hourglass and says "sending...", nothing happens.

So in short: It seem that my Hubitat hub have no idea how to handle/respond to my FGS-213 when it is setup in Momentary mode.

I have started fiddling around with virtual devices and rule machine to try and come up with some workaround, but figured I could ask here first if I'm doing something completely wrong.

Okay, so after some random searches and fiddling with other devices, it seems like some devices dont report back their new status, so they have to be periodically polled. Apparently SmartThings does this internally in order to keep the switch status correct.

Here is where i found the info:

I have for now created a rule machine 4.0 periodic rule that simply call the refresh custom command for the switch.

Only problem is that the rule spams the log with info messages, if anyone know any way to disable those, feel free to let me know :slight_smile:

Go to the device and turn off text logs as well as diagnostic logs if they are still on.

Yeah that did it, thanks

Doesn't look like it worked as I hoped it would, warning, complete guesswork ahead: It seems lots of refresh commands get queued up, eventually causing the hub to become unresponsive. That is my guess at least as I had to reboot the hub this morning after it became completely unresponsive (memory/cpu issues likely). After the reboot i change the timing to 30 seconds, but several hours later, the dashboard still updated immediately from two button presses of the same button, even though it should be at least 30 secs between. Pausing the rule stopped this. Guessing these commands get queued up eventually (due to no response perhaps?) and just causes the hub to run out of memory.

I suppose I will just have to get FGS-223 pucks instead and only use one channel, those work just fine with the custom handler from erocm123's github repository, and there is barely a price difference.

Managed to modify the custom driver by erocm123 to make it work in non-secure mode, and now they report status correctly.

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if you could show the edit i'm sure @ericm can add it to the driver.

I created a pull request already, forgot to mention that.


@ericm, I just found your driver for the FGS-213 - thank you, thank you.
The FGS-213 originally picked up the HE inbuilt driver but that driver does not provide the power monitoring, so I'm very grateful that you've made your driver available.


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I'm having difficulties syncing my fibaro with Hubitat, I was wondering how to reset it and how to pair it with hubitat

The manual is your friend HERE

here's a page

Hi everyone again
I have a couple of these Fibaro FGS-213 Single Switch 2
I am struggling to include into my Hubitat z-wave network.

So the Hub details are -
Hubitat Elevation® Platform Version
Hardware Version Rev C-4

I have Factory Reset the switches;
Press Hold S1 (button) and release and press again when Yellow.
Yes the switch then flashes Red to confirm Reset.

I put the hub into Zwave Inclusion mode and press the S1 switch 3times very quickly.
Various quick timings and the Hub is finding nothing.
Does anyone have any ideas?
BTW nothing is attached to the S1 terminal, just connected Neutral & L.

Also I am using Eric's Device driver but have started to see these messages in the Log -

Unhandled event MeterReport(meterType: 1, precision: 1, scale: 2, size: 2, meterValue: [0, 0], scaledMeterValue: 0.0)
Unhandled event MeterReport(meterType: 1, precision: 1, scale: 2, size: 2, meterValue: [0, 180], scaledMeterValue: 18.0)
Unhandled event MeterReport(meterType: 1, precision: 1, scale: 2, size: 2, meterValue: [0, 182], scaledMeterValue: 18.2)
Unhandled event MeterReport(meterType: 1, precision: 1, scale: 2, size: 2, meterValue: [0, 184], scaledMeterValue: 18.4)

I have seen various posts but cant get the power reporting to work.
Any suggestions then? I am assuming there have been evolutions to the zwave stack

I see those unhanded events as well, but that doesn't prevent my devices from working, should probably look into handling them when I get the time to to get rid of the errors.

And to add a factory reset device to the network, i just connect them to power and start inclusion mode, i never had to push the switch 3 times or anything, they seem to be in inclusion mode by default when factory reset.