Fibaro FGRGBWM-441
Moving from old Zipato that has crashed....
The controller is working, if I connect a external pushbutton I can toggle on/off.
But I want to have in the Hubitat environment as well.
But after several power off and pushing B button etc I give up.
It could be broken but I want see if anyone has had this issue with Fibaro RGBW controller and solved it.
I have several of them and never encountered that... but did you perform an Exclude first?
Put the hub into exclude first, push the button and see if you get the "Unknown Device Excluded" message. It's an amazingly easy way to confirm that communications to/from the device is working. You can do it over and over and move the device around a bit to find if there's a radio dead spot you've stumbled into, also.
Hi, Yes both recommendations, Button connected to IN 1 and B button.
I did 2 Qubinos no problem.
Really strange.