Fibaro rgbw controller 2


i have this problem with Fibaro rgbw controller. When i connect it with hubitat it recognises it as Zooz (is that suppose to be okay?) i changed it to fibaro one, but dimmer color+white componeents stay as zooz. The first problem is when i put that into dashboard as a color bulb. if change desired colors it freezes, so i ca only go back out and get back in to work with it. After that i tried to make a scene. The first time when light were already on, they turned off at correct time. The next day they didnt turn back on. I ask you guys if someone can help me or direct me to the maybe some fix if i am doing something wrong?



  1. The Fibaro RGBW driver is for the V1 Fibaro controller. I can't say how the V2 version is different.

  2. Zooz markets a new RGBW controller that is made by Fibaro.

So I would try the Zooz driver before going too far.

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