I see its some old topics who are similar, they suggest krlaframboise DH from ST.
I have tried with no success.
I have 5x FGMS-001 EU, 4 of them are reporting motion as they should, but only that.
Not temp, not lux, not vibration.
The last one dont report anything.
I also see that they should not be paired as secure, I dont think they are. I am on the latest Hubitat FW and on the device it doesnt say "pairedassecure" or what the statement is..
Any idea to get them working?
All of them where factory reset before inclusion, and working fine with Smartthings and Domoticz.
I have tried the driver linked in that topic without sucess...
Does the crc16encap error mean that I will not able to use temp and lux readings from these sensors?