Fibaro Dimmer not reporting status, etc

Yes, the manual has some description of parameters also:

I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the info correctly on the z-wave details page, but I think it's not communicating securely? (0x27)

Thanks I will give this a try, maybe also the Basic Z-wave tool.

The Basic Z Wave Tool won't allow normal operation of the device. It's used to program it manually to change any of the individual parameters that are listed in the manual you linked.

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This one at least change on and off on the device page and started showing some states. But right now the lights are on and it's showing them off. :woman_shrugging:

Yeah, I thought I would take a look and see if there are any wacky parameters and change them manually.

Easy to do.

Open a log page in a separate tab and click 'Get Parameter report' without selecting an option. All parameters will print to the log. A snip of mine below (doesn't show all of the parameters):

Cross reference those with the manual. Then for anything you want to change, enter the parameterNumber, size and value then click Set Parameter.

Once you've changed what you want do another 'Get Parameter Report' to double check the changes have been reflected. Set the driver back to 'Fibaro Dimmer' and 'Save Device'.

Important: after changing the driver back to Fibaro do not touch the configure button or you could overwrite something you just changed.

Edit: Pay particular attention to parameter number 20 as that dictates the switch type. Mine is '0' for a momentary switch (click for on, click for off, hold to dim)

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Well this seemed to make it work. I can control the lights through the device page and with the physical switch. I had to change the parameter for switch type, as you said, and the secure communication parameter, as well as a few others.

It is still not reporting the correct state.

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Thank you for your feedback. This has been confirmed to be a problem on C-5 hubs. A fix will be released in the next update.


There's something iffy (possibly) in the Hubitat driver as 'momentary' is not being set correctly.

@bobbyD (or maybe @bcopeland ?) there might be an issue in the 'Fibaro Dimmer' driver as @vicksen is seeing the same issue I was when I started out. The switch type 'momentary' is applying the wrong value to parameter 20, I think. This results in the light staying on permanently unless the retractive switch is held in.

Switch Type:
'Momentary' should map to parameter 20 value 0
'Toggle' should map to parameter 20 value 1
'Three way' should map to parameter 20 value 2 (labelled 'roller' in the Fibaro manual)

As we can't see the code in the inbuilt driver, I can't see if the above is how it is, but I have always had to use Basic Z Wave Tool to correct it when using a momentary switch.

This sounds great! I have things working now, but I'm still getting the original error (as seen in my logs above) after using the physical switch or the device page to change states. And the states shown on the device page do not reflect reality. :slight_smile:


@jtp10181 @johnwill1 Thanks for your help troubleshooting this!!