Fibaro Dimmer 2 stopped dimming

I'm having a strange issue where my Fibaro dimmer 2 has stopped dimming, and only turns on to 99%. This just recently started occurring - I can neither control the level physically (through the switch inputs) or through the app control. Whenever I attempt to set the level to any number, the dimmer jumps to level:99.

I'm using the "Fibaro Dimmer 2: Robins" driver, but I've also tried switching to other drivers, and back to the built in driver, but I cannot get it to work.

When I check the logs (attached below), I can see that the request to set the correct level is sent, but the dimmer sets to 99.

Strangely, I have another Fibaro dimmer 2 set up exactly the same way, and it is still working properly. When I check THOSE logs, I can see that the request to set level happens the same, but with this device the dimmer returns that correct dimmer setting - working as expected.

Does anyone have any thoughts on what might be happening? Should I reset the device and start again? Thanks for any thoughts - still pretty new to Hubitat, so apologies if this is an easy issue.


I think I remember there is a setting on them that can do what's your saying so this would clear them down if you can't work out what that was. It sounds like the min and max have been set up high though. Theses devices set them self's up normally after a reset so I would install the driver that is in HPM for them (if you using the extra features) or there is a built in driver now. Then remove, then factory reset one and rejoin it. Make sure your load is enough and/ or you have a bypass (snubber) at the end of the light.

@BorrisTheCat - Thank you so much for this help. I switched to the HPM driver. I actually didn't have to remove and reset - I found out that the dimmer had somehow recalibrated the attached lights as non-dimming (setting parameter 33 - mine got set to 1 which is "Load recognized as non-dimmable". I was able to force the dimmer to recalibrate by pressing the on switch 3 times, and holding it for 5 seconds each time. Once I did this, the dimmer re-discovered my dimmable bulbs. Thank you again for your help.


Yeah that's the one! I just couldn't remember it's number.

Great news, also that's driver is much more up-to-date :+1:t2: