[FEEDBACK] Easy Dashboard feature request and feedback

If it reports only level, you should be able to add it as dimmer. If it says it implements the window shade capability but doesn't populate the correct attributes, that is likely to be a problem. Without seeing the driver or at least "Current States" from the device, it's hard to say more.

Yeap wrong color .. should be red. when unlocked and green when locked!

and these .. should be green when closed and red open

Was hoping hey would fix it in 147 but no such luck!


Old dashboard see my device as Window Shade
New dashboard like this
When I click on it

Device state

Your driver needs to be fixed to report the "position" attribute per the "WindowShade" capability requirements (or the capability needs to be removed and you can use it like a dimmer as you are on legacy Dashboard).


New stuff in 150 is nice ..
However the new helper tiles are weird .. text is not centered ?
I would guess most would want it centered.


Also when adding new tiles to current dash board still adding them
in the left side slot ( 2 or 3 ) and it screws up the current dash lay out.

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I can confirm the same issue on latest .150 beta.

Door sensor icons show open when closed and appear to have no colors.

Also, garage controller tile icon seems to have no colors and is opposite of how the one on door lock looks. Closed should be green and to the right. Also, are the icons on the top left of said tiles supposed to indicate device state such as open/closed or locked/unlocked?


Hi @bobbyD
Are you actively following this feedback topic or would you rather we raise issues in new topics for each issue we find.
I'm just wondering as people as supplying some good feedback here.


Yes, I am :wink:

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This is a debate that would have split arguments. Left alignment is likely preferred by many. The only way to get around it is to offer alignment option, but I don't think that would happen very soon. I added the request to the enhancements list nonetheless. As always, thanks for your feedback.

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Another tile inconsistency.

Lock tile status text on left of icon and lower case. Light tile status text on right of icon and first letter is capitalized.


A post was split to a new topic: [FEEDBACK] on main Dasboard page

Another request to make a closed garage door look like a locked lock

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Thank you for adding the ability to rename buttons for multi button devices. That is a big, big step forward in .150,

I do wish though that I can rearrange the buttons. I have a Fibaro KeyFob six button device that is 2 columns x 3 rows. However, it comes up as 2 rows and 3 columns. So even with a label it makes it much less intuitive which button I want to push.

So it comes up like this:
B1 B2 B3
B4 B5 B6

And I want it like this to match the physical button device.
B1 B2
B3 B4
B5 B6.


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The one other thing I need to make the total switch to the EZ Dashboards is either:

  1. A way to hide the classic dashboards; or
  2. The ability to nest EZ dashboards into an EZ Master/Main dashboard; or
  3. Bring the EZ Nav button onto iPhones and let me scroll it. (as it was 1st implemented I could only get to the 1st few).

Add a way to get to history in the EZ Dashboard tiles.

I agree with BobbyD The preferred option for alignment of helper text would be a selectable option so that everyone could select what they prefer individually. In my case; For example, I prefer left alignment.

As I’ve learned recently, they are extremely open to suggestions. So we’ll keep making the suggestions Because they are definitely listening.

Getting this functionality out as quickly as they did with the foresight to use the approach of a drop-down selectable list that can accommodate other similar functions/services in their first implementation is an excellent start and shows their constant, forward-looking approach.

I would just like to recognize more went on here and just the release of the initial helper text. As always great job.

Thank you!


Can device names be broken up into 2 lines like the classic dashboard rather than being cut off?



Can we slow down or pause new features on EZ Dashboards until some of the other inconsistencies with them are fixed? I posted about a couple above that should be relatively simple to fix, but have yet to be addressed. I like the look of these dashboards, but these little inconsistencies drive my OCD nuts.

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