[FEEDBACK] Easy Dashboard and Multi-Button Keypads


  1. Does Easy Dashboard support multi-button keypads - either generically or for a specific existing keypad type?

  2. How should keypad devices leverage an existing or planned built-in Easy Dashboard keyboard?

Notional Easy Dashboard Keypad

Lutron Keypad (circa 2Q'24 an unsupported example)

The Lutron Integrator App produces Lutron SeeTouch Keypad devices for line entries like the following:

w,10,Control - Central Hall Keypad

The resulting keypad device is a Lutron SeeTouch Keypad, where:

  • This parent device supports push(<button-number>)
  • The number of buttons can be specified.
  • A per-button slider exists to Create child (device) for button #
  • The optional child device buttons are instances of Lutron Component Switch, which supports on|off commands rather than a push command.

When a Lutron SeeTouch Keypad is added to an Easy Dashboard:

  • Initially, the resulting tile suggests support for a singular push() (i.e., with no button # argument). The number "9" appears at the bottom of the tile.
  • When the tile is expanded, nine buttons labeled B1..B9 appear.
  • These inoperable buttons do not reflect the number of buttons specified in the parent device nor the child device names.