Feedback: 2.4.0 UI Overhaul

Updated yesteday and today none of my Tuya M100s are working. Seems like all my preferences got reset to default. So i went in and set them again. But they dont want to stick; most importantly I cant disable distance reporting, which seems to be the primary issue, since i have 8 Tuyas. Any other reports of this since update happened?

Also, how do i access my Apps Code and Driver Code areas? If i could get there i can try another driver.

Thanks so much.

It’s under settings:

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Thanks. Any ideas on the first issue?

Thanks again.

Are you seeing any errors in the logs? no motion detected at all (but is reporting illuminance)...on the device logs. Also, as im working though things, it appears like once i leave the device page and return to device list (or elsewhere), prefs are not saved.

For giggles, shutdown the hub, unplug power for 1 minute and then power back up and see if that helps.

I did a reboot early on, but not the procedure you described. I'll do that.

One thing that did the trick so far was that i simply disabled all the Tuya devices then reenabled them. Then they star r ed actjng better. Does that make any sense?

Regardless it may help someone else.

Will do the restart now as well.


Rebooting doesn't clear the radios.... Power cycling like I recommend does.

Definitely weird. I would still power cycle for the heck of it though.

I just did and now, i figure I'll let things settle.

Im having problems with the new web ui, if you wouldnt mind. The Home banner at the top keeps disappearing and all i can do is retype the base ip into the browser. Its mainly in the devices area. The banner is there when the list is loading, but once it populates, the banner goes away. Im using android and running web ui through Chrome.


Try clearing your browser cache.

Bullseye!!!! Did the trick.



Liking the changes - still getting used to them.

Still have issues on C8Pro with admin UI speed. Editing buttons or rules is taking ~15 seconds to load. This does seem (didn't check before) a little faster than before the update. I do use a couple of other hubs for specific things with hardly any rules and the UI is lightning fast.

I have 844 devices and 1153 apps. Is this too many? Should I be deleting some?

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I assume you're on LAN not Wifi. Check your network speed settings. If it's on fixed 100 change it to auto.

If that doesn't work how is it plugged into your network?

Yes. On fixed. And auto. Hub is plugged into a unified managed switch that is then connected to a Unifi Dream Machine Pro. Latency is averaging 0.3 seconds.

While I think this is a cause of issues for some I believe the number of rules I have is the issue. But this is all based on circumstantial evidence.

I have several other hubs with hardly any rules on them C8s and C7s. Rule editing takes a couple of seconds between screens.

When I switched from C8 to Pro for my main hub the rule editing time was immediately cut in half from much longer to what I am currently experiencing. That is to be expected with the faster processor but tells me that the speed issue still existed.

There could be something else related to my setup but would be curious if others that have this number of rules see the same delays?

For giggles set for auto.

For new installations, on the device commands page, "show common commands first" should initially be true, as that'll make it easier for new users. I wouldn't change it for those who've already installed 2.4, as it'd confuse some people who've already started using the interface.

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I finally bit the bullet and upgraded.

Initial impressions, it's extremely sluggish on my old Samsung s9+.

Also, I just opened the device list and filtered by 'alexa' to see a virtual device. I wished to watch the screen to see if the device was correctly being toggled with a voice command.

First, it took around 5 seconds after I'd finished typing 'alexa' for the screen to then have the actual letters appear in the search box 'a... Le.... Xa'.

Oddly, I can't see an easy way to view whether they
Switch is on or off. The main view definitely doesn't update for me (it should switch on, then off again after a second).

I also can't open a page to show the current status. Device status doesn't actually show whether it's on or off. That's really odd to me.

The only way I can check to see if it's toggled is to check the logs/activity.

On the old firmware, I could look at one page and see the status togglimg between on and off easily.

I don't know if I'm missing something, but for me, this isn't working out.

Is it not shown in the status column if you have the attribute selected to be shown?

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It would be nice if the columns on the Device page could be dragged to a different order. For me the 'Disabled' switch and 'DNI' are of little interest in normal use. Sure I could disable them but I'd rather not; I'd rather be able to move them to the right side of the screen so that I can prioritise other columns.


Hi, it was on auto. So I tried fixed and it made no difference. The issue does not appear to be with the lan, It's more likely the number of things I have running on the hub, or the combination of things.

I did post about this separately some time ago and Hubitat staff replied that this was not normal. Then I got the Pro and it sped things up, but it only masked the original issue.

Here is the original post:

I did get a DM that was then referred to the engineer and unfortunately didn't hear back after that. I will post again to see if others see what I see or if it is unique to me.